Just dl'ed and tried it out, I couldn't stop playing! It's a unique and interesting idea, and you couldn't have done a better job in the execution. 10/10!
How the heck did you make this!? By far the coolest and most original mini-game map ever! I would never think of something this unique/creative. Good job!
How do you get up the side of hte hill it dosen't semem easy to do - bnut, if you can the mpa seems good then - I don't see naything wrong with the map.
Thank you all for your feedback on this, I'm 9 downloads away from my failed map that got featured. Thanks again.
It seems like a KOTH variant would be fun for this. Whatever way it goes though, it's still a great idea. And seems to be well executed.
Woew this is amazing. You have my download. I have no idea how you thought of this. What would be even cooler is if you made more than one wall for like easy med and hard. Great job though.
nice looking map cant wait to try it out. p.s. if anyone needs a tester or someone to help out in forge contact SB0B (be aware that the O in the middle is not an O its a zero
this map is Fantasticly made!! the interlocking is beautiful! but its super hard i only got to the 2 flag. are you suppose to jump on the flag holder cuz thats what i did.this map is hard! 5/5