I was posting this thread to see if some people could post a thread or show me how to, Make the glowing orange arrows from the reciever/sender/two-way nodes to stick through the walls perfectly and make arrows... Thanks
I'm using this idea a lot in my new map that I am making I have found it is easy to get one light by using a sender node because you don't have to save and quit. You just use a guess and check type thing for that. And then you can float a reciever node so that the lights line up where you want them, and just slowly move the reciever node through the previous sender node, then save and quit To make my nice and neat arrow, using a sender node and two reciever nodes, it took about 15 minutes And that was having no prior experience making teleporter arrows. Hope this helps
the sig was made by our buddy Reynbow who is retired from sig-making atm... Also, Don't double post, simply edit your previous post & delete the double...you can get in trouble for double posting =X lastly, thanks for reminding me, i need to do this stupid technique, i dun wanna, but it'll help..