The Mist -1025+DL The Mist Movie Trailer Made by: IcedFrappuccino Infection at it's finest. Gametype: Misty Madness FAN SPACE *The last two are from my post* I.Map Description II.Gametype Description III.Pictures IV.Tips V.Final Notes This map is based off the movie, "The Mist". The humans spawn inside of the grocery store, while the zombies spawn outisde of the grocery store in the parking lot. The humans have multiple equipment choices infront of them when they spawn. They must choose wisley and use them at the right times. The humans can either try and hold off the Grocery store at the front or they can try and hide to survive. The zombies have multiple ways into the grocery store. They can blow up the fusion coils at the front door to knock down the barrier, they can jump onto the roof and find out wich crate to move over that will let them drop inside, they can window panel jump inside, or they can wait until the humans open the garage from inside of the store. The way the humans can open the garage, is they have to go into one of the back rooms and they will see some fusion coils stacked up against a wall. All you have to do is shoot them and the garage door will rise up. There are hidden weapons around the map, inside and outside. Be careful though, the weapons never respawn. Weapon list: 1 BR 2 Carbines 6 Magnums 1 Shotgun 1 VERY HIDDEN flamethrower There are 2 active camos that spawn outside of the store, to help the zombies out in their brain hunting quest. There are also some timed map events that will help the humans out if they can survive long enough. Humans: 100% Gravity 100% Speed 100% Health Start with Magnum, NO infinite ammo No forced color Zombies: 100% Gravity 100% Speed No Shields (So aim for the heads humans!) Start with swords, Infinite ammo like always Forced Color: Zombie There are five, 6 minute rounds No last man standing bonus Zombie Spawn Human Spawn The Store Use those wisely... The switch to the garage Garage door open Which crate leads inside??? Back of store The Parking Lot The storage room ACTION PICS Hidin' in the bathroom Teamwork Camper=PWNED He has the shotty! THEY ARE ALREADY HERE! Tips for humans: Conserve your ammo. Use the equipment wisely. The flares and tripmines can be lifesavers. Don't rush outside to quickly. This will only lead into your doom. USE TEAMWORK. Always try and stick with a buddy. The mongooses are always a good way to get a quick getaway. Tips for zombies: I don't have too many tips for zombies, but use the active camo when it spawns, find the way inside from the roof (it WILL help), and it also helps to knock down the front door instead of going through the roof every round. I tried my hardest to make this map seem like the movie "The Mist". I put the shotgun out in the truck, like in the movie. I barricaded the windows, added a working garage. I also added a storage room, unlike the movie. There is a crate on the roof that leads you into a booby trap If you can survive for 120 seconds, something ;] spawns on the roof that allows you to get somewhere very , very tricky. I hope you guys enjoy the map like I have. Don't forget to rate!
Nah, I just built it in the same area, because of the horshoe type effect. I didn't want to deal with the crane either. This is a HELL of a lot bigger than my Shaun of the dead map also, but thanks for noticing. @the person who said "why is this your last map" I hate the Bungie's new policy, so I figure, if I forge anymore, it will only be for my custom game party's. Thank you guys. But seriously, someone has already made a Mist map? lol. That was my bad. the same map i like ur better nice job .. 4.5/5 i would have make it a little bigger and use crates as the aisles
I'm sure the ForgeHub community would be more than happy to try out your new maps, so you might as well post them on here, as we don't just skim over maps like does. Anyways, I like this map; it's kind of basic (house defense infection game) but it's well done overall.
Looks pretty nice, but work on your interlocking. My bad, this post wasn't thought out well. It actually looks pretty awesome.
What else did I need to interlock hmm? It was hell, roofing the whole store in the first place and there isn't anything much outside of the map, so what else? And coming from your Termites map, interlocking was amazing /sarcasm...
Yeah, I dunno how many there are, but I made one earlier. I like the switch you have, but I decided to use crates for aisles in mine to make them taller than you lol. . . so you can hide behind em, even if it's more helpful for the zombies. Not a huge deal though. Anyway, from the action shots it looks like almost nobody used the store, is that what happened or did you just use a variety of shots?
Yeah, if I would have known you had made one, then I would have skipped over this idea. I took a variety of shots from a 4v4 game. ___________________________________________________________________________ I am so suprised to see that this map has taken off the way it has! 300 downloads in 2 and a half days. Thanks guys.
Looks like a great map. It looks like you put alot of time in to it. I will DL. I just hope the game's ending is not as sad as the movie's