A Base B Base Centre Opposite Centre Sniper Tower A Steps B Steps A Side B Side --------------------------------------------- I am proud to present my newest and first competitive map that i have acctually finished. Its taken me around 20 hours spread over the past 2 weeks, and i've got to say, i am proud to release it -------------- The map its self is set as if it was a Toll station on Tsavo highway, with the Covenant attempting to take it over. The map is set up for CTF and Team Slayer (Shotty snipers also works well). -------------- The only power weapons are a Sniper and 2 Maulers, all with changes to spawn times and ammo to make the map as balanced as i can. There is also a bubble shield set to 90seconds and theres also a trip mine set to 45 seconds. -------------- I hope you download and enjoy my first full map and please give me some feedback etc. EDIT-- LOL, forgot to add download link Link to thread
this is a lot better than that stuff Boi is throwin around. It does remind me of a section Tsavo Highway. This looks like a great map with good playability. However, I would add a lone rocket on the opposite side of the sniper, just to mix things up a bit....... But great job anyways! Happy Forging! Desert Rat 852
OO, forgot to mention, but desert rat reminded me there, there isn't a rocket, theres a plasma turret
I like how you interlocked only where it was needed. It has a really solid layout. Also how there really isnt that much to overpower the players which akes it so that you have to rely on your skill. Although I was pretty disapointed with the middle part. The middle only has a plasma cannon and some barriers I would've added a bit more to draw the players to it. Overall you have a pretty well-built map. good job.
The reason for the middle part being so devoid of cover, is that the map is loosely based on another map from another game. The bit that i liked about the map was that it forced players to use teamwork and cover to get from each side of the map. One of the things that most halo3 maps do is make it so that covering of teamates is not nesersary, but i realy wanted to bring it into halo. Thus, i left out lots of cover from the centre of the map. Running out of money didn't help, and the fact that i wanted the map to feel like it was used as a road made me want to leave it open even more.