Jet Ski Arena Halo watersports sponsored by Traxus Heavy Industries Download Map: Jet Ski Arena Download Gametype: King of the Pool Description: I find the pictures of this map speak for themselves. Ghosts drive so well on water, I thought they would make good jet skis. The gametype is basically Mosh Pit King of the Hill, but with modified scoring. You get 3 points per second in the arena and 1 point per kill, game ends at 250 points. You can control the waterspace with several weapons besides the ghosts, but the purple jetskis definately have the advantage. gunning down gunning up grenade splash plasma pistols under the turrents overview... note the power drain, which can really mess up all the ghosts and people in the arena. plus, it can be thrown in easily all the way from up here overshield in the "tunnels" of the containers, the other side has active camo Download Map: Jet Ski Arena Download Gametype: King of the Pool
This map looks terrific.. You should get me an invite some time and we could get more people in. It seems very balanced, for example, not earning points for going to the power drain.. I just love your maps.. although using ghosts and a hill are similar to TDF's (The Founder of Forgehub) sumo game.. I still love it.
looks pretty fun. I herd that you were having trouble making the map stable. Try using weapon holders and teleporters to 'back up' your map. Since they are imovable, if you just place one or too behind the containers they will not be able to move either. Good luck!
Thanks for the input, but that's not the problem I'm having. There is already a teleporter behind every container and crate. It's rock solid in that respect. The problem is the game rapidly despawns and respawns the boxes when the game first starts. They seem to be packed so close that the game thinks they are occupying the same space and despawns them, but the run time minimums are all the way up, so they are instantly replaced, creating a flashing effect. I tried grabbing and releasing all the boxes to reset the spawn points, but it still happens. Actually, it is only a problem for a few seconds after the game starts, as it seems to sort itself out after that. But as a perfectionist, I want to fix it. I'm afraid the only answer is going to be a full rebuild. Thanks agin for the advice.
Last Resort has always has a problem with despawning crap. =/ It makes me angry. I love the map, though, really creative!
good old last resort maps. the original maps require a lot more skill to forge on and this looks very well put together. the gameplay looks like it would be very well balanced and a lot of fun. great job
Well since you are having a different problem then the one I though you had I will give you a different solution. Try using the forging 101 technique called, "Interlocking objects" that should take away all of the respawn and despawning problems that have been occuring in your map... :squirrel_chatting:
I would probably shoot you if you made this on Foundry. Glad you didn't because this is awesome. I love it when I come across something completly new. Nicely done.
far too small i dont mean to brag but my jetski map ousts it... :squirrel_nono: however ill give you credit for also thinking of the idea that I Definitely thought of first :squirrel_rant:
lol well i was gonna post mine... congratz yours looks much better and you seemed to have solved stability problem props
Map has been slightly improved, link at top now goes to updated version updates include --added scenery and weapons to the beach area --straightened up walls and hopefully solved stability issues once and for all (knock on wood) I didn't add power weapons that could potentially give the walls poroblems.
awesome map. i never played it yet, but it looks like you really put a lot of effort on it judging from pictures/description. can't wait to try it out later on
i dont have it up yet... but first of all i didnt make it so tiny and have turrets... the way you have it set up people wont even want to use the "jetskis"
Well......... it *is* used with a King of the Hill variant, so if you want to *win*, you have to be *in* the arena, not on the turrents. If you're in the arena and ther's nothing in there but 4 ghosts, wouldn't you want to hop on one? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???..... :squirrel_nono:
Well, this has my queue. I need something to play with those jokers without Foundry, and this might be it.