People keep asking for pics of Project S, so i thought I would give you all at least something to get an idea of what we are going for...
reminds me a bit of a halo 3 campain mission, i donno which 1 tho. i really want to play this.. may test with you when your ready?
we are in testing stages now, if we need people, i will get a hold of you btw, it's generally only 2v2, we are trying to work out 3v3...but doesn't look like that will happen
ya, the thing people don't usually get about our maps, is that we use the letter for concept, then work with the limits that were bestowed upon us in forge...and yes, it actually haz the shape of an S, rofl
Tex whats your gamertag because I love you and want to be your bestest (condom talking) friend.And that pic looks amazing,curved rooves turn me on .
Those damned bridge boxes. Got a sneak peak of this map a while ago and at the start nothing had spawned so we run around waiting for **** to appear and when it does, I get stuck inside those damned bridge boxes!
Sorry playahater, friends list is full atm, maybe sometime down the road i will make some room, but atm, i barely know you =/ Also, thanks for the comment =] It seems to be working out quite well actually =] haha, that is what you get way for being so damn curious =P I thought so aswell, it kinda gives it a little bit of depth =]
pfft, advertising an unfinished map... maybe you should just make a thread that is all about the abcrew? would be easier...
hmmm, me thinks i like this idea, though we already have a social group...but that doesn't really get any attention... EDIT: Also, Ivory, if you read the op, this was for all those people asking for the pictures...
Pardon me while I own your ass at Team King of the Hill on YOUR OWN MAP! This map kicks ass I tell you what! Intense CTF, Oddball and KOTH Action! Spawns are a little funky though.