I like it, it looks cool. Especially the map-merging. I did not know that you could do that on Avalanche. Anywho, nice map.
Woooow, mega. Your geomerging is displayed excellently!! everything is covered in snows!! I especially like the sniper tower, looks awesome. Q'd for download!
looks really fun uv really turned a boring map exciting, the sniper towers rr nicely done and everything is very nea and detailed
This is an incredible map, i love all of the floating outpost/spaceships. When i used the teleporter i loved how it worked. 6/5
Thanks a lot for the support guys! I'm really happy my baby is being received so well! I've just finished Version 2, and updated the links in the original post. Version 2 changes: - Moved some Attack spawns more forward into map - Re-vamped re-spawn area system - Deleted 1 Attack Ghost for another Mongoose - Created new, additional Mongoose Hut for the Attack - Re-adjusted step ladder to turret tower Also, I'm very proud to announce that Coldfront was the recent winner of the Ghosts of Onyx May Competition - The Legendary Forging Competition. One perk of winning is that I earned a featured portfolio for the month, here.
Yeah, this is a great map, LIGHTS. I'm kind of out of the Halo loop for a bit, but I had a chance to do a forgethrough on this the other day and it was great fun just to run around and try out all you've placed. I love, love, love the curved lift you made to the upper part of the cliff. I probably went up and down that thing twenty times. The rocket bridge is pretty sweet too, but I couldn't get back up without a grenade jump. Do I suck that bad or is that the only way back up to the action? I imagine it's the former... I'll give v2 a DL and congrats on the contest winning over at GoO!
Thanks Squid! I'm afraid you may need to brush up your jumping skills, because a decent crouch-jump will suffice (albeit not an easy jump, but definitely do-able). Perhaps we can squeeze it into Conquest night somewhere in the middle as a territories intermission of sorts.
The version 2 changes were mainly done in order to increase scoring, as its proven fairly hard in the past. I moved several attack spawns forward so on average they wont have near as far to travel in order to accomplish the objective. The switch from the 3rd ghost to the 2nd mongoose was 2 fold. I found that if the more than one ghost falls into the hands of the defense, they can effectively terrorize the attacking team in their own zone, which would force some odd spawns at times. So its partially due to spawning issues, but also adds an extra offensive advantage the attacking team with he added mongoose.Its more directly in front of the Attack base, and should provide for many more quick objective transport opportunities. I'm still toying with the ideas of changing around some of the respawn times on the vehicles, but thats it for now. This should make gameplay even more exciting and fast paced.
Ill check it out next time im on, did you try any filters at all on this, just wondering? think it would work well here? yes no...
Yeh I originally had Colorblind on, cause it made everything blend together and look more fore-runnery. But when testing, everything blended a little too well... Couldnt see any weapons or equipment hardly, and making people out in the distance was tough. So I was forced to go without it. Appreciate it fellas, hope you enjoy it. I'd love to hear what you think after you check it out
Looks pretty good, Lights. I'd never even heard of this till now. xD I've just been holed up on the Xbox Forging and finishing that damn Blackout map. But that's done, so I'm gonna put on my reviewer hat for a week or so before I Forge any more.
Version 3 is now complete. Changes: -Man cannon cover won't spawn for an extra 15 seconds (45 now) -Defensive Ghost will never respawn -Flipped Trip Mine, Power Drain spawns to favor the Attack -Raised Defensive Beam Rifle spawn time to 150s from 120s -Lowered Rocket Launcher spawn time from 120s to 90s All of these changes were geared to give the Attacking team even more of an advantage, and its had good results. I have taken v2 off of my FS and added v3 instead. I'm about to update the original post with the new links to DL right now, will be done in about 2 minutes or less.
Last night was fun with 6v6, and I'm glad you went with my suggestion for the Power Drainer/Trip Mine swap. Great update and a must for all the Legendary Map pack owners.
Thanks Tusk. The power drain/trip mine switch has shown dividends already. It was a great idea. I've also made yet some more changes (surprised?): VERSION 4 CHANGES: - Removed switch. - Re-worked defensive flag home/away spawning system - Timed man cannon cover changed back to 30s spawn -At 30s, new man cannon spawns by the big one on D side (now covered), pointing out to left of map, opening up that half of the map more, making it a more attractive/viable option for flag carriers - Added ledge/steps to ends of Rocket bridge to make them easier to use - Added extra tele lights around the map at 2 side stations - Fixed "hole" in back of D base where you could slip past the energy blocker Hopefully this is the final tweak, as I think she's balanced to near perfection. Apologize for the inconvenience of those who have DL'd a previous version of Coldfront, but v4 is much MUCH better than the original or any of the other versions. Hope you all enjoy it! Lets get some games goin soon! link has been updated in the original post