It's a bit late for an introduction but whatever. Note: I can't write for shiz so I'm gonna keep this short. I like technology. I'm a programmer. Games are fun (except ones that aren't). My dog's name is Waffle. She's the cutest dog in the world (prove me wrong, post a cuter one) Yes, I took that picture, I'm super fabulous. My name means a waffle in the final stage of development (remember I'm a programmer). And to clarify, that waffle is a waffle, not my dog.
I had just noticed this forum recently as well, but I didn't see a need to post in it because most people around already sort-of know me .... any way OWNED! That's my puppy ;D
Lawl, i just noticed it too but instead of making a new thread and wasting space i'll do it here. Recycle ftw!!! Hello, i'm Suicidal. I like forge. I also like halo 3. Is that good enough?
how is an introductions board going to be one of the least seen boards. that's completely topsy turvy