So much for a first impression. Sorry, my computer was REALLY messing up, so it wouldn't even access the internet. My apologies for everything. Anyway, now onto the real meat of this thread.... )0( )0( The Aftermath Map Pack )0( )0( Alright, so the Aftermath Map Pack is the result of about 4 months of brainstorming and patience-testing forging. All the maps are (mostly) symmetrical, but there is one map for each size of party: small parties, average/medium-sized parties, and big team parties. Rebellion Rebellion Page Rebellion is a wide-open and fast-paced map, designed for the smaller parties, although it is possible to play larger games, capping the fun at 4v4 games. Honestly, even though I made this map able to support every gametype possible, the best use for it is just the average slayer game. The map consists of a large structure in the middle of the map that acts as the Shotgun spawn. To the left and right are two ramps/makeshift bunkers. On top of these are the locations of the Mongoose spawns. In front and back of the center building are two sniper towers, but with different weapons on them: a Sniper Rifle on Sniper Tower A, and a Laser on Sniper Tower B. In the four corners are small buildings protected by shield doors to help stop grenades. You can still throw grenades in through the windows, however. Spawn A (Behind the house) Sniper Tower A/Sniper Rifle Spawn Spawn B (Behind house) Sniper Tower B/Laser Spawn Makeshift Bunker/Ramp (Mongoose Spawns behind the doors) Center Structure/Shotgun Spawn RelicRelic Bungie.Net Page Relic is a close-quartered map designed for the average-sized party. The biggest game you should ever play is a 6v6 game, but have at least a 3v3 game, otherwise it'll seem a bit empty and easy to get to the objectives. Personally, I like playing multi-objective gametypes, like Multi-Flag and Neutral Bomb, but again, this map supports ALL gametypes. In the middle is the main meeting ground: a raised platform with four towers in the corners. On the top level are four smaller platforms. On the bottom is a maze of dumpsters and boxes the keep the fight intense. The Gravity Hammer also spawns in the center, by varies between the top floor and the bottom floor. Also on the bottom floor, underneath the back staircase, is the Sniper Rifle spawn. A bit further back is the Mauler Hallways, with a Mauler on both sides with one spare clip. In the very back of the map is a long, open hallway. In the middle is the Flamethrower spawn. The bases on this map are the only things not symmetrical about it. The Red Base has an opening in the wall and a sniper tower, while the Blue Base has a balcony that is easily reached by the instantly spawning Grav Lift in front of it and a small opening in the side. Both bases have a single Mongoose spawn in front of them. Center Platform (Top Level) Center Platform (Bottom Level) Red Base Blue Base Back Hallway/Flamethrower Spawn Mauler Hallway (Sniper Rifle spawns underneath the staircase shown) MetropolisMetropolis Bungie.Net Page Metropolis is what I consider the jewel of the Aftermath Map Pack, and by far my favorite map I've ever created. This map supports all kinds of sizes and gametypes. Surprisingly, it actually works well whether you're doing a small 2v2 game or a full 8v8 match. It actually feels quite normal to be driving a vehicle around in this level, unlike other Foundry maps. Also, whether you're driving or walking, you can usually get to the same destination in the same amount of time with the way this map has been built, since there's many little holes and buildings that vehicles cannot reach. Once more, this map supports all gametypes, even the ones that no one even thinks about playing, just in case you feel like doing something different. Starting from the A base, you'll immediately see a secondary defense tower on the left. Past this is a large wall and a structure that serves as the Sniper Rifle spawn on both sides. Past this is a sharp turn that most vehicles and walking soldiers can make in about the same amount of time. Finally, after that turn is the main meeting ground: a wide, empty plaza where the Chopper and Rocket Launcher spawns. Just like Relic, the only thing non-Symmetrical about this map is the bases. The A base has a High Ground-inspired bunker in front which is actually fairly hard to throw grenades into, so this is your best bet for defending this base. The B Base, on the other hand has Shield doors, so if you're taking a beating, you can quickly retreat into the safety of your base. Both bases, however, have a turret. Lastly, I should mention that between the two Sniper Rifle spawns is large building accessible only by walkers. This structure serves as the Shotgun spawn and the bomb spawn in Neutral Bomb gametypes, as well as the Oddball spawn. Base A Base B Back Street/Meeting Grounds Chopper/Rocket Spawn Center Structure (Outside view) Center Structure (Overview) .......and that is the Aftermath Map Pack. Please rate/comment and give any advice, I'd greatly appreciate it. And for the love of good, go easy on me, this is my first serious shot at making non-Infection game maps ._.
This does not meet forgehub standards. Learn how to post a map first before you start posting!LMFAO LOL JK JK Thats funny lol Wow and mean wow! lol hope u fix soon hehehe
Sir, I am here to tell you that you have 24 hours to get your thread up to FH's map standards, otherwise this thread will be locked. Thank you. NOTE: anyone else mentions anything about his map not being up to standards WILL receive an infraction.
Okay, I've FINALLY been able to post all of my stuff up, please don't close my wonderful thread D= Sorry for any inconveniences. Don't think I'm not taking this seriously or anything, I really am. It's not my fault my computer is an annoying piece of crap!
A few parts of merging that I wasn't super fond of. There was one angled merge of Boxes that was a bit off. These are all just things that my OCD-ness and I have a problem with. Overall, it doesn't look HORRIBLE, just not perfect.
You're right, the time taken on it is nothing compared to the other two, however, that was on purpose, 'cause I was trying to make it look like it was made from scratch in a short amount time, like a third-world country kind of place or something. There should be a little story description on the page.....if not, then oopsies. But, anyway, yeah, the messiness is on purpose.... EDIT: alright, I'll try to make my newer maps a bit more...ah, "perfect" is the best word to use here. But, yeah, thanks for the feedback.