Escape! V. 1.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by X Morcam X, May 26, 2008.

  1. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    V 1.1 is up! It makes several glitch fixes, and cleans lots of areas up with some interlocking. Also, guns have been taken out of the beginning area of the course, up until they get out in the open. This helps stop camping, since you will now run out of ammo extremely fast.​

    I'm going to let the pics do most of the talking here, but here goes. This is a map made solely for fast and furious infection games. The humans essentially have to run through a closed path while the zombies chase after them and jump down on them. There are very few guns in the course, so keep running (You have 150% speed, as it's a rather long course. If you have more people, or if they are just really good, feel free to turn down the speed.) Remember, you just have to run, as fast as you can, but also watch out for any zombies. You've got 25m enhanced, USE IT!​

    If any humans make it to the end of the course, the madness doesn't stop there. There is a small base for the humans to hide out in, that is open to the air. It's got more guns than the maze, though, and you can just hold out there for as long as possible, until you are killed. The zombies will come flying at the base through two different mancannons, and they can come from nearly any angle by simply running. If you manage to make it to last man, you get plenty of extra jump, so don't just stay in the base! (Unless you really like it.) At 90 seconds, two active camos spawn for the zombies attacking the base, so make sure you watch out for any invisible flying zombies. ​

    However, the most important part of the assault is the custom powerup that spawns at 3 minutes. It makes the pickuper into a somewhat weak fat kid, and one who can at least kill one or two humans before he dies. This limits the length of the games to usually no more than three minutes. However, although the humans reach the base nearly every time, it is very rare for the custom powerup to spawn. Usually the active camos are enough to get the defending humans. If you think that the fat kid is rather weak (And he can be, if you're playing with a decent number of people) feel free to give him some more damage resistance.​

    Gametype is Here (Strongly Recommended if you want to play this properly.)
    Map is Here

    And without further ado, some pics and misc final notes.​

    The humans spawn, and have to run through things like this to get to the end.

    Shortly after they start running (20 secs) the zombies are let out.

    After they're out in the open, it's a sprint through a fairly long course to get to the base at the end.

    The base is where the last humans will end up. They pick up some guns and start fighting off the zombies.

    The base is also where it all ends, and the zombies come flying at them from their own "base".


    Some notes for you matchmakers...
    The speed of the humans is a major part of this map. Don't be afraid to change it. Most large groups actually just run right through the course, as they can just push the forklifts out of the way. The more people, the less powerful the course blockers. The alpha zombies have poor camo, with a bit more damage resistance than the regulars, and grav hammers. You can still see them just fine, but it sets them apart from the regulars. The zombies are out after 20 seconds, and the rest of the zombie base spawns at 30, so that the dumpsters shot out of the way have time to move. Finally, that teleporter next to the mancannon you see leading to the human base? That leads to the second mancannon, and the alternate angle.​

    Have fun on this map, and try not to get killed, mmkay? ​
    #1 X Morcam X, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2008
  2. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    Looks like a cool maze map. I love infection maze maps. It looks like the zombies could jump over the walls but since you have a Game type that shouldn't be a problem. I will DL.
  3. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    You might not have understood the map. It's not actually a maze, just a path that the humans have to run through, while the zombies jump DOWN on them. The zombies have low gravity, and the humans have high, so they can't get out of the maze. It's great fun, just not the style that you thought? I will admit, however, that it is not very much fun if you aren't very good. You have to be VERY aware, and some people just don't like that.
  4. JustcallmeDrago

    JustcallmeDrago Ancient
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    This actually sounds like fun (I'm not a fan of infection). I'm going to download and play with a gigantic group.
  5. eskychess

    eskychess Ancient
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    this looks cool but with the concept of jumpin down on the humans how would they get through would they like walk with their heads up????
  6. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    I like the idea, but is there any mechanism that forces the humans to run? Can't they just camp at the start? Ammo may run out and force them to move but it would seriously hurt the fast paced game speed the map is built for. Apart from that, I love it great work.
  7. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    To answer your question, absolutely. If you try to camp here, you will quickly find out that...
    A. You run out of ammo, of course.
    B. You have very little room to manuver.
    C. Shield Doors.
    D. Lots of receivers in the start room.
    E. Lots of cover for rushing zombies.

    I just played this a few moments ago with a guy who actually tried to camp in the first area where the humans actually get out in the open. He chose a nice little corner, thinking that he could kill the zombies as they ran up to him. Well, these are not no shield 10% zombies, as he expected.

    He got two kills.

    On the other hand, in the same round, I was the second-to last man standing, with 14 zombies to my name, before they took me down, because I was bright enough to go to the end and pick up some guns.
    (The other guy got last man, because he was sitting in a corner, and we were too lazy to get him.)

    EDIT: Also, spawncamping the zombies is impossible. Killing them as they come flying towards your base is a different matter.
    #7 X Morcam X, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  8. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    I'd have to agree with drago. This does look more fun than a normal infection map.

    XxNAPALM FURYxX Ancient
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    i love the maze thing good idea i would like to see some action shots to see the game play but ill just dl
  10. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    I can put up some action shots. Getting them now.
    Some are going to go into the first post, just so you all know.
    #10 X Morcam X, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  11. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I don't know, but it looks a little like a different twist of fat kid or something. Good job with the map though, it does look fun.
  12. CostlyAxis

    CostlyAxis Ancient
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    That's what I was thinking too, but his map looks much cleaner than the one I've been playing on. Any how, I love fast paced maps so I'll have to give this map a download.
    #12 CostlyAxis, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  13. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Action Shots, anyone?

    We're Coming for YOU!

    You should watch your radar.

    Oh, and the corners too (He could also see me on Radar)

    Hey! Come Back Here!

    Yeah, I see you.

    That Camper...

    Getting Owned.

    The Resolution in these makes it rather hard to see the zombies...

    Also, I'm adding one (the best) to my first post.
    #13 X Morcam X, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  14. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    So, out of sheer boredom, I uploaded the original map (called FLEE!!!) that spurred me to make this one. I made flee too, but wasn't as well liked or balanced (still just as crazy ;) so I decided to make a new one. (This one.)
    Since this isn't an official map release (Just a minor curiosity if you liked this one.) I'm just going to give the link to the bungie DL. HERE
  15. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    So, can I have any comments from people who have DL'd and played the map? (Preferably with the variant.)
  16. Vladimir Neski

    Vladimir Neski Ancient
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    reminds me alot of fall back and peasant hunt
  17. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    oooh... Thanks for the exlpanation. I now understand that it's not a boring miners map. Is there a reward if humans make it to the end?
  18. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    I like how you made this look really good even with little or no interlocking. Great job!
  19. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Other than the base full of guns, with a turret on top? :p
  20. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Just played this again tonight, and it never gets old. Still just as fast and hectic as ever. I may release a V1.1 of this, with some modifications to make this better.

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