Map Title: Multi-Base A really basic map on blackout Download Map Description: I really didn't spend to much time on this map so I really dont have a description I just wanted a decent map on blackout. So I only made it able to be played fro slayer multi-team works best on this map. 2-16 players. The point of this map is that the teams meet in the middle of the map almost the whole time so theres constantly a battle going on there. enjoy all bases the reason I spent no time on this thread is becasue i want to see how tunnel raid 3.1 does thx BY: xUNSCxHeadShot
If the map isn't ready, don't post it. However, this one does look O.K., and It's interesting how you decided to divide blackout into sections. No action screenies makes me sad.
well your right it is pritty basic the shild door will change the game play be cutting off clutch points and the snipers on the main floor would also change the game play
I kno that it will and as i said it is very basic but that becasue i just wanted a map on blackout so i decided to make one
"Teh coolnes of a map r measured by the amount of monyz that u spedn". Lolz, I love that quote. anyway, I like the map. A lot of times people think a good map has to be a scratch map created on Foundry. Well, it doesn't. Sometimes just having shield doors or doors or different weapons can turn a map from being hated to loved. Great job!
I am just going to be blunt here, but this map looks like blackout with camping being the main focus.