Cliffhanger "Hanging precariously off a cliff, watch your step, it might be your last." Idea By Titmar (TEETMARE), Map By BetaWaffle Designed for the gametype "Conquest" Download Cliffhanger * Updated * _________________________________________________ When a geological anomaly was discovered protruding from this remote cliff face, a service platform was constructed for the two research teams responsible for the discovery to study it. Unfortunately for the researchers, this anomaly was very unstable. When it collapsed, taking half of the platform with it, most of the researchers fell to their deaths. The half of the platform that remains is loosely attached at best, making it usable but dangerous. You must fight the remnants of the other research team to get control of the "safe" part of the platform (at least, you think it's safe). To make your task even more dangerous, you must dodge rocks (barrels) that periodically fall from the cliff down onto the platform. _________________________________________________ Red Team Start Red Team Second Territory Red Team Third Territory Center Territory Center Territory Detail Center Territory Detail (Different Angle) _________________________________________________ Have fun and please comment.
I'd rather like to see how this turned out in the end Beta. I'm sure we'll play it in customs sometime soon.
I would like to try it out as well, it sound like a really original idea. The one path to each base might get kind of annoying seeing as there is no cover, but a really cool idea. The barrels are great idea
Yea, cover was kind of a problem, but the curvature of the platform helps quite a bit. Just think of it as a different Conquest experience.
Finally is all I can say...I have known about Tit's idea for about a month and I finally get to see it put into action, great job!
Thanks rusty, I hope to expand this to CTF & Assalt. I'm not sure how well it will work with just one path though, but then again, look at Asper's HighRail.
No more fence boxes, I've used 4 bridges, it can't go any lower because you die, can't go any higher because you could get out of the play area too easy. Speaking of that, I didn't get a chance to test if people could get out of the play area. Pants!
Hopefully this is my last Conquest map for a while. I have to start working on some other top secret projects.
I look forward to your other 'top secret project' lol. This looks as if it is the best conquest map varient so far.
this is an awesome idea, i'm just a lil worried about the lack of cover, but besides that, it looks really sweet and inventive
sweet, I didn't know that you had finished this. Send me an invite so we can play on it here soon. As far as the lack of cover. (AZN's concern) There could be an easy solution..... i'll take a look at it.