Map removed due to sucking. Sorry for the inconvenience. Try checking out my other maps: they don't suck (as much).
Hmm... Seems rather campy, and campy is not good, but I like how you go up to the second level. Is there something forcing you up to the next level, other than ammo? Also, a better overview of the map might be nice.
looks pretty good, q'd for download, like the idea u dnt no what is round the corner. Agree with morcam cud do with better over view of map =]
I'm personally a big hater of camping infection maps but in Prison Cell, if never really had a problem with camping. I played with mostly people who liked to run around except for at the start but when some one camped they got owned. And as for the second level, there is some scenery that can get in the zombies path to throw off their lunge movements, and the overview is above.