_________Factual History_________ August 19th, 1944 The Polish 1st armored takes Hill 262 closing the Falaise gap in France. On the 20th the Germans counter-attacked in full force. The Polish held for 2 days until Canadian and American forces arrived to drive the Germans back. On August 21st Hill 262 remained controlled by Polish forces. _________Game play Description_________ The Defenders(The Polish) Must defend Hill 262 in this territory variant,for 8 minutes until reinforcements arrive. The Attackers(The Germans) must secure the hill and other strategic territories to win. The attackers base (territory 1) builds itself as the battle starts out http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshot_viewer_popup.aspx?gamertag=Rich2k57&ssid=38617428 The Foward offensive River Overwatch The River Peak of Hill 262 Hill 262 Polish Base Reinforcements Route This territory really is difficult to capture. Yet at the same time not needed. The reason for difficulty though is the defenders will spawn very close,so It is not usually captured in most games. But it could mean a victory if captured. ==Other Locations== Sniper Spawn Hill Frontlines Download Game type Capture da hill and map Hill 262 from my file share
I dont mean to repeat what theyre saying, but you need to embed pictures. Read this topic before posting: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6830
The title needs to only be the name of the map, nothing else, take out the "WWII Battle" part, and post it in the thread, just not the title.
Sorry I cant post the Bungie Forum I got banned for saying drug on the forums. I will fix it ASAP when the duration is over.