at least American commercials are entertaining Reyn. I haven't seen a single enjoyable Commercial since I moved here. I miss the M&M ads.
-_- i'm embarrassed to be american after watching this video... the only way i would like to eat there (after watching commercial)is if i were extremely high
lol yea its retarded but not all american ads are stup... nvrmnd. ROFLOFL Rap Cat... that's awesome lol MeowmeowMeowmeowMeowmeowMeowmeowMeowmeow!!! Word XD
That was dumb. But funny xD. I dont even know what the hell Rallys is. Im pretty sure we dont have one here in socal. But I still think the dancing grandpa for Six Flags takes the cake
you mean the 3 min music video? that things hilarious as well. i will post it. should i start new thread or just post here since its the same topic
This is false advertising. This physically can't be "the greatest video ever" for a multitude of reasons. For starters, I'm not in it. Its about meat (I'm vegetarian). Secondly, its just stupid.
I want it, I also want a rapcat ringtone. That is a great commercial, I wish there are Rallys' in Illinois so I could see that on TV -
Wtf, 99 cents? are bugers really that cheap over there... if so, no offense but that could be the cause of americas obesity crisis
Here is the RapCat Music video. I'm pretty sure there are more than just this, but this is all i know know about.