Yeah there definetly needs to me more like it. it's practically the only map used for forge now with a few exceptions cause it barely limits you at all.
I agree there should be more maps like Foundry, in the sense that they can be Forged with great detail. But they would have to be very different in order to stray from boredom.
I want more Foundries but bigger, badder, more open, less defined out of the gate. I want an outdoor Foundry too. I want a really tall Foundry, and a really big Foundry with a huge budget and a ton of available objects (even if they have to cut a few corners on textures and whatnot to make it happen). I want I want I want. Foundry is pretty great, but it's hard on the soul to load a map thread on Bungie and see another mess of boxes and ramps with no clear design idea behind them. The map's built-in limitations (mainly the textures and object types) exacerbate this somewhat. So it's a great first step - but onward and upward. I hope Bungie does 5 more DLC packs with at least one Foundry-type map per release.
There was already a huge thread for this created in Forge Discussion a while ago. And we already had all the ideas that you have mentioned, and more. here is the link:
Rat's Nest basically appears as a outside/inside Foundry, but there is an oval and straight-thru-the-middle pathway. Yeah, an Outside foundry. I would just pile double boxes over and over till i reach the ceiling of the map. Like one of those huge construction pads. I would totally make a skytunnel setup on it.
That'd be so awesome. You could have really high-up bases in the sky or amazingly high towers. I see reason for about one of those smiley faces, not 5. Please don't spam. So pretty much, it isn't like Foundary at all. Plus the fact that there are hardly any of the new objects. Would the double boxes on top of each other serve any purpose besides having hit the ceiling? Suicide Fox, death barriers would be awesome. And bottomless pits would be great. It would solve a lot of problems with maps that you want people to die if they fall off. I personally would like to see an outdoor Foundary, completely flat ground, bigger, more of certain objects and new objects. Of course that'll probably never happen. That would be way to much for one map.
How awesome would it be if you made a sky tunnel running along the entire edge of the map? *daydreams*
If there was glass, I would remake rainbow road! I tried to do it w/ sheild doors, but the vehicles bounce on them
i believe bungie is make a sky battle map where each team starts on a ship. or maybe there was 1 ship, idk. anyway it sounds interesting. i also think they said there was the ability to go outside the ship. sry off topic sorta. an outside foundry based map would be bomb.
Do you guys know that room in the Matrix, where they get all the weapons in the very beginning and it's all white? That level, would be like the setting of your imagination. And there would be like dripping noises, because it would be eerie
I would love to have an outdoor foundry ty :squirrel_huge map but you could change the weather and time of day (snow, rain, thunder etc.) It would also allow the maps to have some more originality
you guys are getting way to into ideas of making insane things that wont be possible unless bungie came out with an entire halo forge game. and that would be really awesome to have if there was a seperate game where the maps could be downloaded and play in halo 3. i'd buy it for sure.