So just because its sloppy doesn't mean it is a bad map, this is the first map I ever made but it is still a load of fun. Story Behind the Map (not necessary to read) Containment Center 13J was originally used to study the flood by the humans. Then suddenly a slight miscalculation let the flood breakout and wreck havoc among those who where there. Everything was chaos. A note was found on the floor 5 days after this incident; Everything was going to plan, we were studying the flood and learned many things about them. We were in the process of filing our report to our sector leader. Until we heard metal scraping against metal, the containment center was shaking. It was worse than nails against the chalkboard, I smelled a crude smell. Our containment center was broken, one specimen had found a sector that was not properly positioned (4.25 degrees higher than the normal 65 degree arc of the center) a flood specimen escaped, infected a facility worker, and pulled the steel fencing out. They came almost instantly, we had not anticipated this. We had our protocol necessary pistols, but the emergency weapon storages were on the completely other side of our facility. The flood came out and attacked (thankfully we had lowered their health to a minimum in case of this). We had nowhere to run. We were cornered. We felt we had no choice. We threw a faculty member toward them and watched them infect him as we ran. We hadn’t realized where we were going, until we saw the only possible escape route, the containment center…… Nobody was found alive… Map Description The Containment Center is pretty much a huge maze where the “flood” have cornered you and are waiting for your pitiful attempt to escape. You spawn in the very back of the “maze” and are forced to fight your way through the “flood” that will spawn inside the maze (only starting spawn). The Containment Center consists of about 3 levels. Once you escape the “maze” you will notice that everything is a wreck due to the flood. There are 2 weapon stashes on both sides of the map. Where there is a battle rifle, 2 SMG’s, a rocket, and a pistol, and on the other side there is a shotgun, 2 SMG’s, a rocket, and a pistol. Game type Description The infected have very little gravity and are very fast (to represent the flood), they have regular radar, they have NO SHIELDS, 2 grenades, and an energy sword with infinite ammo. The non-infects have a pistol and their partners to protect each other (1 hit kill with a headshot from the pistol). You must work as a team to escape... or your fate will be sealed.. Game Play Description Non infects: You spawn in the very back of the containment center, you are will look around and wonder where you are. When you realize that your trapped and there is only one way out, you will start attempting to leave. But you should be cautious as you do so. The "flood" could be lurking around any corner. They could kill you with a single swipe of thier sword if the choose to. You will likely have to kill them about 3-9 times (depending on amount of people you play with) before you escape the containment center. Once you are out is when it starts to get easier for you. There are two weapon storages where there are some good anti-flood weapons. Get to these weapons and you wil most likely last a long time. Infects: you start off in the contaiment center, just below the humans. They have no radar, and will never know if you are behind a corner or not. You may either camp were you are, or move in for the kill. If you manage to kill them all right away then this is a tremendous achievement and the round is over. But if you die you will spawn outside of the containment center and must re-enter it to get to the humans. But hurry, if they get to the weapon storages your in trouble... Pictures Overview Corner View 1 Corner View 2 Back View Outside 1 Outside 2 Weapon Storages Complete Picture guide of interior! Go straight out of your spawn then jump down and go down ramp Take a right then head down tunnel Take a left and head up the ramp and jump down then go down on other ramp take a right and head straight Jump on the barrels and go up ramp. take a right and start jumping down then once your down take a right Then hop on the crate and turn around then escape! Weapons that will own the flood ________________________________________________ Thanks for looking at the map! Here are the links if you would like to download the map and gametype
Sorry, my first thread. Still gotta learn to take more pics. I'll get some interior pics up the first thing tommorrow morning
hmm, this map looks like it has potential, but the sloppiness lets it down a bit. I know it was intentional, but it could have had more work to look like the flood had perhaps broke free? But otherwise it looks good, q'd for download.
nice story and nice maze. but i think the zombies would be a little bit overpowered because the maze looks like it has a lota close corners. but still very good idea to make an almost great maze game where you can play infection
I like challenges, I think that is my favorite part about this, for once the infects have a little advantage.