An Idea

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by sham93, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. sham93

    sham93 Ancient
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    I've been thinking recently, of re making Bombing Run from Unreal Tournament 2004.

    Im just not sure as too which map would be best for this. The one i think would work well is Avalanche, but i really don't like Avalance for forging because of the uneaven ground. Also im not too keen on making it on foundry as i've just spent 2 weeks on a map thats just in the final stages of development and will probabaly be released later today.

    The only map that i thought would work quite well other than Avalanche, was... DUM DUM DUMMMM!!!

    Isolation, the least liked map on Halo3 :surprise:

    So, what im asking is, what map do you guys think i should make my map on?

    *Bombing Run*
    For those of you who don't know what bombing run was, it's basically an assault gametype with a neutral bomb in the centre of the map. Each team has an elevated scoring point that either requires a leap of faith of a cliff and to certain death along with a score, or a well lenghty set of platforms that get higher until you must jump through the bomb boming point.
  2. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    If you need a cliff for the "leap of faith", you could use rat's nest or standoff. Both have enough immovable objects you could float to make platforms. Pick whichever one works best for your style.
  3. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    prolly stand off even tho i like iso better then stand off but just b/c stand off needs snipers..

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