Orly? Prove it Tooch! And... can't eremember name, but heres the link to GoO thread. I don't think you guys can see it though. http://ghostsofonyx.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=425
I'll say this again; No. I hate to be blunt about it, but I've given you my reasons and I had hoped you would respect them. ... Okey Dokie, I'm not going to leave my opinion on this for the risk of starting an off topic war in my thread. I'm looking for definite testers, people that will be able to drop what they are doing to come and help test these maps. This goes for everyone - do you meet those standards?
The competition ends with the closing of June, that's when all the maps are due by. Testing will occur whenever we announce it, as our maps will most likely be finished at different times. Re-read the first post, I've edited it slightly with some new information.
lol, i re-read it, and i am definately down to test if you are willing to let me. Your requirement for testers was to point out flaws, so: I know i can be picky on some flaws The flaws will be equally pointed out aswell...
Alright people, I've decided to open this competition up for two more teams, so hurry if you'd like to enter. I might make another thread of this on a more appropriate board, seeing as how this is actually turning into something, but we'll see what happens.
I'm going to sign up blood fire and I to be on a team P.S. Bring it on Edit: GT IxGUNxSLINGERxI GT BlOOD F1R3
SCARED!!?!?!?! MADNESS!! Albyhouse never gets scared... *looks to right and sees a fly* AHHH Back from camping Btw..
i want a collab team. I did this wierd one with reynbow a while back. sign me up! FH username: AllseeingEntity GT: AllseeingEntity. oh yay, this should be fun. i will get insane in here cause me and him were already going to work on a map together.
ASE, or anyone else willing to sign up, please fill our the following format: 1.<[your]forgehub username]> and <[partner's]forgehub username]> 2.<[your]Gamertag> and <[partner's gamertag]> 3. Map name (Optional):
Allright Dom, don't worry bout me testing, you have yourself a new competitor...or competitors that is... <Tex> <Shad0w Viper> <TxsOutlaw003> <Shad0w Viper> Map Name = Secretz =]