Me and JAYclash are willing to accept that challenge. A few questions. Any age limit for us kiddies. We're both 16 How many players on each team Who are your team mates. Who'd be host? Does it matter where your playing from?
Most likely I'll be hosting figure on 4 players per team unless both of us have more people want to join So far I have Vicious Vice, Ty and Textured Sun. No age limit for you kiddies other than you cannot be older than 20. 19 and under all good. And I'm in New Zealand and most of my team mates and possible team mates are in the states so as long as your connection is good it doesn't matter where you are.
i'll gladly do it. Linubidix, you and me together and we find more people? i could probly get lockdown if he gets unbanned in time
I'm turning 20 in less than a month, which team do I qualify for? If there's still room on your team, Waylander, I'll join up if I'm counted as being old enough.
OK Lights has now joined my team so I've got 5. Weekend after the upcoming TGIF will be the target. So Saturday the 21st of June for those in the states. I'll sort out times with Linubidix at another point cause right now I have to clean my house for an inspection on Tuesday.
aw crap. sure choose the day i leave for my mission trip. o well, no biggy. maybe i can get on in another one if there ever is one.
man, I can't wait to have my ass handed to me by some punk ass kids .... Super stoked! It's probably be a good idea to remind me about this when a date is picked so I don't forget. and who picked teams of 5? that means we have to team talk ...
Wait. I have a team of 4 but only three (including myself) are registered users on fh, but the final guys not some ramdom gen from my school, hes my clanmember. Can he be in it? Also I wouldn't have any other options. my team would be: (FH user names) Chong Hashmeer Alex 4th's GT= NWP Tw1tch
Are me and Jayclash still going to be involved in this? because we're both free for about 3-4 hours following TGIF.
It's not till next weekend mate. I haven't been on line for the last few days due to the dog chewing through my network cable so Haven't been able to organize things and I have a cold so can't be bothered doing it all today. but since you've accepted the challenge you can choose the first two maps for whichever 2 of the four game times I mentioned earlier. Just not Team Slayer, cause that's gonna be the tie breaker game and map so we both need to agree on that one.
OK to hell with trying to sort a decent time out so we'll just go by what the TGIF's do, wich is 12:00am GMT. Five game total with 4 man teams since folks don't want to use the push to talk (Lazy buggers) Linubidix I need you to let me know soon which game types you will e picking so I know which ones I get. And then at some point we need to pick a team slayer map for the tie breaker if there is one. Game types will be Multi flag, Assault (one sided), King of the hill, and SWAT. Tie breaker match being BR starts team slayer. Yes I changed them from the first post to get a it more variety.