OMG THIS GAME IS HARD! It surely lives up to its name!
wow, i tried lvl 1 for about 10 seconds, realized what they were going to do to my brain, then said i'm done.
iv seen this done on youtube would b great if some1 completed it without dying, impossible well ye it is the worlds hadest game i wasnt going to play it but if u insist
Got to level 5. It's not that hard, it's just time consuming. I got bored around then and went to play the BF: BC demo.
lvl 8 with 35 deaths and then i got angry and started playing rock band edit 6/11: lvl 9 - 21 deaths edit 6/11:lvl 10 - 33 deaths edit 6/11: lvl 10 - 106 deaths 106 - 33 = 73 more deaths than before. ugh