Rofl! I laugh at you all for wasting your money on this crap.
Well of course its fake and if I'm not mistaken so is most of the stuff on t.v.. Why is it when someone wants to make fun of wrestling all they can come up with is that its fake? If you don't like it thats your choice but just because its fake doesn't mean I can't enjoy it.
Wow this took me forever to get. It's actually pretty funny, and I probably wouldn't have noticed them reading a script if I saw that on TV.
I don't understand what the point of this video is? Of course it's scripted, we all know that. Of course the fighting is choreographed, once again we know that... It's scripted like all TV shows, like all movies. Do you degrade an action movie because the fighting and explosions and care chases are scripted and choreographed? No of course not. So what's the point of this video? Everyone knows that it has a script, but it's still entertaining to watch.
I totally have to agree with the people who said we know its fake but still enjoy it. I always say that its my version of a soap opera , most girls want to watch Days of out Lives or whatever and I want to see two people beat eachother with chairs , is that so wrong?