station 69/42/96

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by paukatt, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. paukatt

    paukatt Ancient
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    This is my first time posting a map on Forgehub, but here goes (i hope i did it right)

    Map Title:
    Station 42
    This is my cops and robbers map Station 42

    Download Map
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    Staion 42 is a professonally forged and interlocked Cops and Robbers map made by me back in April. And updated a few times at later dates.

    The robbers start off in the cells in the basment of the station, and the cops start off just around the corner. There's also a great variety of facilites for the robbers to take use of. The Toilet, The Venting area and The Dining Hall.All of theese have some kind of secret to them (toilet has radar jammerand flare). Ofcourse the cop's job is to keep the prisinores in their cells, but if they ask nicely they have to be let out and allowed to use the facilities. Later returing to their cell If they do attempt to escape thought, they first have to make their way up The Stairs, past The Second Floor Cells, Down The Hallway then Break Out to Freedom.

    If they break out of the station they are free to roam the city of Tsavo, with lots of hiding Places, lots of Weapons and Vehicles. there is also a Watch Tower which the cops can use to hunt escaping robbers in the town. Ofcourse if the cops preffer more peacefull methods there is also a Teleporter which leads to a Outdoor Cell, where it's also possible to execute the prisinores if you feel like it. The town also has multiple HousesHiding Spots, weapons and other secrets.

    I put a lot of work into this map so i hope you and you're friends enjoy it.

    Picture time
    1 Cell
    The cells
    The toilet
    The venting area
    The dining hall
    The stairs
    The hallway
    Breaking out
    The town of Voi
    One of many hiding spots spread out in the city
    Some of the many weapons scatterd around town
    The watch tower turret
    Teleporter to the outdoor cell
    The outdoor cell
    One of the house entrances
    Inside one of the houses

    #1 paukatt, Jun 7, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2008
  2. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    Wow i give it 10/10 and i love it well built but why is it called station may i ask
  3. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I've played this exact map and game type before and it doesn't work. Try using the honor rules to make a cops and robbers gametype. The map looks clean and well built though. If you block off the out side it could make for an interesting In The Shadows variant. Until Bungie adds voice operated doors, this game type will never work.
  4. paukatt

    paukatt Ancient
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    it's supposed to be a police station, so i just named it station 42 (it was originally called station 69, but when my friends told me what 69 was i changed it.)
  5. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i just played this map yesterday wth?
  6. xBeLikeChris

    xBeLikeChris Ancient
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    This looks like a lot of fun. I think I'll download.
  7. paukatt

    paukatt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah it's an old map, it's just that i haven't posted it anywhere before today (yesterday if you count bungie).

    By the way thanks for all the downloads guys.
  8. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    this map has a great theme. you capped it very well. nice job!
  9. paukatt

    paukatt Ancient
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    I know what you mean, but it's the truth. i often join games where this map is being played and the author is usually some map stealing douch (which i usually send a message with something along the lines of map stealing douch to) who has deleted somthing (one of them deleted the venting area, and another deleted the dining hall.) this map got really popular around in the community i guess and then just spread like wildfire. on bungie there is a few topics for this map, but none of which knows who the original author (me) is, this could also be why it spread so much.

    But i promise you my forging skills are real and i did make this map, and if you know someone who claims to have made this i would love to meet them (and prove that they didn't make it)
  10. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    it looksgreat, very original and well set up
  11. murdermac

    murdermac Ancient
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    great map, love the cells. but name doesnt fit. Try Prison Cell, or Precint something.
  12. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    2/5 no cops and robbers game i have ever played works very well(everyone disobeys honour rules) and if you didn't even make it than 0/5 (if you really did not make it im not sure if you did) also to the person flaming him about the 69 thing that is a legit reason to change the name trust me
  13. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Yep. People will be negative and annoying wherever you go. Just learn to ignore it. Even though flame wars do work like bumps! If you want an example of a good cross-section of the FH community, look at the varied responses on the Nooks&Crannies thread I posted in this forum. That should give you a good idea of the upper/downer ratio.

    And lolz@ not knowing what 69 meant until now! (sorry, it had to be said) :p
  14. Shell Shock

    Shell Shock Guest

    I have played this map before. It played good as long as the cop didn't go on a rampage. ;)
  15. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    o hope this isnt stolen we dont take thats to well here. if you made it (just cautious) its pretty good.
  16. paukatt

    paukatt Ancient
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    what im gonna think about when i go to bed is the fact that forgehub is very non beliveing and from now one im gonna have to save the videos of me making maps which i really annoying (can't use save & quit trick anymore)

    anyway im goning to bed so see ya tommorow then
  17. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Discussion of this map being stolen in this thread will stop. All discussion about it is being deleted. If you have solid proof (Like a link to an identical map) that this map was stolen pm it to me, however talking of it in this thread anymore will result in Infraction, Warning, and or suspension.

  18. Absurdist

    Absurdist Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great! The city is very well made, but the only thing that I would suggest is to close off the other (non-box like) part of the map.
  19. GoReMaGoN

    GoReMaGoN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the version i played on was diff the original is bettah. had lots of fun in this map
  20. Sk84lyfe13

    Sk84lyfe13 Ancient
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    this is original every time me and my friends play customs its always this map man great job 5/5! but you SHOULD DEFIANTLY MAKE ANOTHER jail/prion station thing with more vending and everything

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