So I see a bunch of people have set up shop here making sigs. I think I'm going to jump into the mix! Recently I've been working alot, but I do enjoy doing messing around with my computer/tablet in my free time. If you want me to make you a sig post it here. Halo sigs or not... I will give it a shot. List what you want and I will try to finish it as quickly as I can. Make sure to give some kind of guidelines like color. hahaha sarge asked for random ones in his thread and this is what I did... honestly I was shocked to hear he wasn't a fan! edit: I'll update this page to show a few after each is finished so you don't need to scroll through... Anyway if you want me to design you one in my spare time drop me a line! I'd be happy to do it. Also if you want a halo one give me the armor type. I play halo all the time and I can shoot new pictures whenever. Let me know if you want to be driving or holding a certain weapon too and I will try to make it work. Thanks. -Duff
I guess its just about time I got m'self a sig. Can you use this picture: (the part with the face, not the logo) and have it say "TheGodfather808" (in red). EDIT: If you could go that in "The Godfather" type text (like in teh post, that'd be awesome) I'll leave the rest up to your imagination , dominate colors = red and black though. Thanks!
Nice i love the god father movies! Let me know if you want anything changed. It came out kinda gritty but I think it works...
hey can ya make me a sig. if you can just make it with an american flag with made 49 in it somewhere the rest is up to you.
Duff can you make me a sig that has my guy on it and everything else is whatever you want so heres the armor Head: Rogue Chest: Hayabusa Right Shoulder(if facing him): Hayabusa Left Shoulder(if facing him): Mark IV Color Primary: Crimson/Dark Red(whatever its called) Secondary: Yellow
ok sage. i kinda went wild with the back ground layers a little bit, haha... but i love how it came out! I took a bunch of shots of your armor but this one seemed to come out the best. if you want me to change anything up let me know.
Hey could you make me a sig Name: ManxMat Head: Security Chest: Katana Shoulders: Security Color Primary: Steel Secondary: Teal If you don't have this armor then just whatever looks cool And could you put a 3 legs of man on it some where Thanks
Head: ODST Chest: CQB left Shoulder: CQB right shoulder: mark VI Color Primary: red Secondary: gold test out with the gunner and passenger seats in the warthog, if in passenger then make him hold a shotgun. if you decide not to put him in a warthog make him hold a shotgun. and if you could put a killamanjaro medal in there somewhere that would be awesome. feel free to take out anything if it's not too much, I want the main background style to be bloody and and shadowy thanks a lot
Hey can u make me one with it saying MLGLR playahater in like a cool text u like and like a picture of a playerhater ,like the no somking sign but with a plahyer in it and with the red cross,that would be swell.If not then can u try to have something to do with playerhating?? Thanks
Here ya go ManxMat! I hope ya like it. Like I mentioned to others if you don't like it or want any changes let me kno. ...but I say its pretty bad ass as is! ...and killa i added a bunch of blood to your sig, lol. it did come out dark but i dunno if its what you had in mind. the picture in the back is chief sitting in the warthog but it was the only one that i liked from the pictures i took. let me know what ya think!
****! it says remote file is too large. even when I take everything else out of my sig. edit: nevermind how can I resize, it makes it look smaller another edit: nevermind
Wow your pretty good... I'd like to request one Ok here it is: Spartan: Head= ODST LS= Hayabusa RS=Hayabusa Body= Hayabusa Text: Font type= Whatever fits Font placement= Whatever fits Name= Paranormal Slogan= None Size/ Dimensions: Size= Whatever your default is Border= 3 px, black Colors: Entire color of spartan=White Colors of signature= Whatever fits with spartan Background: Whatever fits (including images) Style: Complex Well, Thanks! Also, if you could make an avatar from the signature, that would be awesome! If you need any other specifics, just PM me
Hi new at this site my GT is Desert Elite if you can make me a sig that shows Dust Devils and reptiles to represent me thanks for the help.
Specific Size:no Background: Render (s): Render Placement (s): Text:My name Text Placement: top middle Text color: red Text font:if u can please can i have halo 3 style if not suprise me Special Other Things: nope Main Color:Black Secondary Color:faded into Blue (if possible) Sig Light (like light or dark): What ever suits best Name:Corey D97 Quote:none Font:if u can please can i have halo 3 style if not suprise me Picture (not required but helpful): Medal:killionare Spartan Armor specs: A dude with recon helmet (if not scout & other good armor ) No border Special Requests:if u cant find halo 3 style wrighting then something like it.