"This looks like a really good Rat's Nest map!" And that is only what I thoguth at first! I actually didn't know what to think at the beginning, but you have got something here. It really stands apart from the othr Rat's Nest maps I have played, It looks clean, plays clean, and is quite enjoyable. I sure do hope you keep crapp'in these non-Foundry angels of maps...
Heh so do i enjoy making good maps its just theres so many maps that would be good but bungie suck so much and only make foundry, rats nest, standoff, blackout and ghost town buildable properly
Iv'e never seen rats nest used in such a horrid disgust... jk. Wow i've never thought of using that platform before, looks well made from screens, i take it it's not for huge parties?
my heart sank when i read them first few words lols i originally created it for 4v4 but it came to light that apparently it works better for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3s its a good fun map small and competetive (i like the way i had a 4* rating then i get two good posts and now its 3* )
I agree with everyone else, this map looks great, i especially like the idea of a little sniper h0ws3. You got my download... Build more great maps!! =D
A different, well made map on a map that isn't Foundry. Kudos for thinking outside of the box there. This looks like ultimate fun, I'll see if I can get some friends to play it with me lol.
heh glad you people took the time to post im trying to make more maps but i hate everymap except ratsnest and i cant keep making maps as im so stuck for ideas thanks for posting though and i hope you can rate what you feel out of 5 top of the board
how can you hate every map other maps are better than this one but, you don;t have to come out and say it+ this is a good map ekkp forging alsaov what I would of done is come up wih a better name than greed for htis map.
i can hate all other maps quite simply because foundry is bland, no scenery and i just hate it. avalance is all floaty bases and racetracks, as is standoff, blackouts layout is ugh unless you glitch out. and ghost town is too enclosed to actually create a map you can block bits off but not recreate something entirely new. i like the outside of ratsnest as it has a nice view, sunny, small area which im best at building in and i like the resources provided in this map
oh sorry to hear that from you, infact ive only heard it from you so can you should some light onto why its so awful as im currently making a version two