Grave Yard

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Jester, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it looks great, very clean. the entrance and the chursh and the graves are very nice.
    and the underground tunnels are awsome
  2. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    The tunnels are very clever, good work. I also like the whole idea of the zombies jumping up out of the ground.
  3. Shell Shock

    Shell Shock Guest

    New pics of the interior show off the church quite nicely. I downloaded it. :)
  4. oWNoSid

    oWNoSid Guest

    This Is a cool map I like how when you play it sometimes you get traped by the zombies in the graves and on the church. :) I always get overrun by them but I take a few with me.
  5. Sonic

    Sonic Guest

    I think this is cool I guess I still don't half of what you can do in forge. I'm going to study the forge101 now so I can map cool infection maps :)
  6. xZ3ROxPROJ3CTx

    xZ3ROxPROJ3CTx Ancient
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    Great map. I Love the fact that you can choose when to fire off missiles.
  7. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Missiles? Am i missing something?
  8. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    I was excited to play this map when I first read this thread. I played it the other day with around 6 people or so and there were a couple of things I wanted to point out.

    -Spawn Killing
    -Zombies move a little slow
    -I think you could have utilized the rest of foundry to make this map more enjoyable for more rounds because it got kinda old after a few times.

    Other than that, smashing job on this map!
  9. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Thank you for your feedback I will consider extending the zombies spawn invaulnerabliity to 5 seconds instead of just 3. I will also make a more enjoyable zombie varient for the map so it has more replayability. Thank you for the feed back and opinion.
  10. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    good looking so far. but do the tunnels go under the entire floor, or just a section of it?
  11. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    They cover diffrent parts there are 5 tunnels in all connecting to graves then one tunnel leads to beneath the church. So yeah the tunnels cover most of the floor so watch your step. ;)
  12. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
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    Dude I loved this map when I played it, I loved hiding in the basement and holding out there with a Battle Rifle. This is a very fun map, nice job on interlocking BTW! I give this map a 5/5, good job!
  13. Stillen

    Stillen Guest

    Cool Map I really like how the graves are hollowed out and have tunnels under them. Also the grave stones add a nice effect allong with the church bell. :) dld good work jester and sid.
  14. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    nice job on the graves, i saw the first version and i thought that was pretty cool, but your consistancy has shown through to the second version
    nice job
  15. Shell Shock

    Shell Shock Guest

    I Haven't seen any grave yard maps as good as this one it has tunnel systems and and a well built church and grave yard. 5/5 good interlocking and layout.
  16. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks this graveyard idea that Jester made is very good it even seems that lately people have tried to immitate the grave yard theme but havent really done a good job of pulling it off as me and Jester have. I like that people still support our map thanks for posting shell . : ]

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