ShatterSphere Download Here ShatterSphere: This map has been a thought in my head forever now. Basically it is a map comprised of double boxes faced inward making a sphere-like map. Gametypes: This map is set up for Slayer, Oddball, and KoTH. For most fun starting weapon should be Shotgun. Shotty Snipes works well, and is always fun when you get a no-scope. Authors Notes: Well this map is one of my favorite things to play, especially with a large party, pure chaos. Thanks to the Ghosts of Onyx and Forge Hub members who tested this. Thanks Projectt2501 for the inspiration of this map. Pictures: A Basic Overview of ShatterSphere The Circular Platform in the Center Another Overview What ShatterSphere Looks Like From The Outside Download Here
This is one of the most unique map i've seen ever and is a good well built map- good interlocking with the peices in the center of the Spere.
ZOMG SHATTERSPHERE!!! lol this was insanity at the FNF... is that where the pics are from? hold on let me go recheck if I see myself... EDIT: lol yep, first pic: Grey and brown holding shotty 2nd to last pic. back facing pic lol SWEET! this really was awesome. Just super hectic... never gotten so many grenade kills in my life XD
Who your freaking out about this map, it'd simple- but, it make people jump for it interesting- thsi could lead to much better maps.
Ths is a good map but, your supose to say constructive crytism like htis map should be a little bigger which i'm saying don't just say it's nice.
Haha you tell 'em Supreme, and keep posting in my map so I don't ever have to post again in this map thread.
Well i'm jsut saying this becasue the other guy is make fun of other peoples maps and I don't like and your map is good as well + I woud of made the map a little bigger if I were you and would probaly make this funner gameplay.
I love the last overview. It looks like an atom and there's definitely some awesome features on this. DL'd
Awesome map idea, and amazing implemetation, but that is some of the craziest interlocking on those fence walls I have ever seen...
Thanks for all the comments everyone, and Supreme I was being sarcastic when I told you to keep posting in this thread, I am sorry that wasn't conveyed to you but could you stop posting all this is is spam.
I'm sure everyone has thought about doing a sphere map before, but no one has had either the balls or the forging skills to do it, but you've done it! This looks very well made and like it would provide some fun times. The platform on top looks great as well.