Lol I know what it is- I know a realy good way to build this map here's what you do pust a goalie stuck at each ends of the field traped and being pushed back by a gravit lift and has as gravity hammer with a fusion voil begind him hten when the ball hits him and he dies other fusin coils spawn and kill s the rest of the team or everyone else exept for the othr goalie so there up by one point so it cold be 7-8 with one kill of a goalie.
this looks pretty good uv interlooked the floor nicely but it would b good if u kept score but than it would b allot like fifa stadium, it looks and sounds fun, and the ball return system is what makes this map unique
Well this map looks... interesting.. I might download later but not right now so.. yeah good map nice interlocking.
U did not make this. My friend made this like 3 months ago. All you did was add walls. He had the EXACT same return system. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Would you like to challenge me? And Spankysully? First off i just went to that map from the link you posted. May i add that your a complete IDIOT! if you think my map has any similarities to that piece of junk you really are a BO-Tard. Exact same return system? i beg to differ, and if you havnt noticed theres at least 5 maps posted on here (forgehub) that have a ball return system, weather it be soccer, fooseball, or bownling. If your sayin that all those authors stole that return system your stupid, its not hard to come up with that yourself. And by sayin we stole that, your saying i stole someone elses map by placing a wall! OMG i stole your idea...i used forge. STFU tard.
So why did u make the goals have two walls sticking inward on both sides? Why not make the goal in the wall? Did you come up with that yourself too? And why bridges at the one part? I see my friends had those 2, why yours?
hmm possibly because first off i tried a few options for goals, and that worked best. Secondly when coming up for an idea for a ball retirn system that was hidden or so, i knew i could have it under with some merging of bridges into double boxes, but i had a problem when the two sides came together, theres no T-Bar open box, so i had an open space underneath, and the best way to solve was to merge bridges even with the floor (which i noticed ur friends map was stuck on top and ugly, and i tried to use a double wall but it didnt work out as well as bridges.
I think it would be fun to start climbing into the return system and delete the teleporter to play HUMAN FOOSEBALL!!! wait... that's soccer....
well idk if you know how, but you dont have to erase the teleporters to get throught down there, theres an easy way to go through any teleporter if you didnt know.
I don't exactly understand why this map is foosball. It seems like another soccer map, and seeing as I already made one which keeps score, why should I download this? No offense meant, this is a nice looking map with a working ball return, but unoriginal, and there are honour rules.
Yeah i know its unoriginal. In some ways its not, i mean i actually made the map months ago, i just found forgehub and decided to spiffen it up and post it. Also yes ive seen ones that keep score using the bomb method, but i just like having a ball fall down from above. But yeah, thanks no offense taken.