Map Title: Glacier Rally Rallycross styled ATV racetrack with a long banked turn, overpass, and a turn suspended over the cliff edge. Download Map Download Game Variant YouTube Video Description: Map - Avalanche Difficulty - Medium This track has.... - a bridge overpass that functions as a manual pad for very long wheelies that are almost flawless - an "over the edge" section with an uncheatable checkpoint blocked to people on foot with teleporters that drop you down the cliff - a flawless long interlocked banked turn made out of forrunner ramps and energy blockers awesome for passing people - an overall "Rallycross" feel to it because of the speed you get driving over the map terrain sections - very difficult to cheat on, you will probably get behind if you try NOTE: the reason for only 6 + 1 spare mongoose is that i was working with a money glitch canvas and halfway through it F***ed up. 1 of my mongeese got locked up and now i cant get it out of the bank along with a few other objects... YouTube Video Starting Line Shield Door Jump to Bank Turn Giant Bank Turn Aerial View 1 Aerial Vew 2 Long Straight Gravity Assisted Turn Jump Over Crest Aerial View of Bridge Wheelie on the "Manual Pad" Bridge Air Over & a Wheelie Aerial View of Finish Thanks to HT CHEW myPLUMS for the help with shield door and grav-lift placement, and the hours of testing he put in. This track would not be what is is whithout his help.
I have not seen many good racing tracks on Avalanche, but that can always change. This one looks very well designed and very spacious. Looks very nice. The circuit type thing is what grabbed my eye the most. 1st post btw Edit: Lol after i wrote that i saw that you were from HaloTracks
thanks, i know that there arent many good tracks on Avalanche. so i decided a while ago i would try to fix the problem... =] and HaloTracks is on Bungie Faves right now so check us out!
this looks stunning ill dl after i get my stupid vampire curse off me in oblivion then ill get back to you on how it plays
where is the link to dl.....o there it is at the top, i need it rite now since that banked turn sold me on this one. great job.
You obviously put a lot of work into this. I am personally not a big fans of race maps, but you got my DL.
Hey... it actually looks pretty tough to cheat on, that is a hard thing to do on such a big map. Good job!
i said id reply and here it is- after playing the map it felt like i was driving over ratsnests smooth roads it was beautiful the banked turn is orgasmic and the rest of the track has a relatively easy yet fun competetiveness all the way along. my only issue is i could never get a wheelie of your bridges ='[ but hey i suck 5/5 nice one
Wow, it looks very neat! I'm definitely going to try this since i don't have too many good Avalanche race maps.
hey man. very nice racing map! most Avalanche racing maps arent so good. but this, this is amazing, i love the banked turns. This map is amazing
you usually get the wheelie when you hit the bottom of the bridge just to the left of the center where the snowbank is slightly higher than the bottom of the bridge. this causes your nose to falldown a little bit off the bank which then bounces your nose back up a little bit as you are ascending. by the time you get to the top you should be in a vertical wheelie. just keep going forward and you will level out when you get to the bottom. this is honestly my favorite part of the track.
By the looks of the pictures there is nothing wrong with this map and I think it is by far the best race track on avalanche so far! Im going to download it and test my race track skillz on itz
I am trying this out right now because by the look of the pictures this just looks wow. fantastic. well lets see if its fantastic after i try it out.
That looks great! Fantastic interlocking especially off the cliff, which I would think something near-inpossible.
Wow spponhunter420 this is a brilliant race map you really did out do your self i will download and send to all my friends Soz i spelt your name rong spoonhunter420 Why can't i forge like this spoonhunter teach me please