Floating Base v.2.0: Floating Base V.2.0 "Where combat is taken to the skies." Download Map Download Gametype Description: There's a platform that has formed in the middle of Standoff. One team is trying to take the flag from the platform and another is trying to defend it. The platform is heavily armed but those on the ground also have an advantage, but they have to find it. This is meant for the One Flag CTF variant included and IS NOT meant for normal slayer. If you find any imbalances or you've found one of the secrets post a comment below. UPDATE: VERSION 2.0 Now released. An overview of the base A closer look at the base. The rearside This is the platform where the attackers try to assault the base. (Man cannon and jumping has been tested by both regular and complete idiots who've never played Halo)
This map looks great for you first one Just wondering if you know how to interlock .. If you don't go on forging 101 on the homepage of forgehub .. Theres a very good description of it and if you use that and make some maps in foundry you will go a longgg way
yes I do know how to do it but I tried to do it as less as possible to give the platform a more natural feel. And this isn't actually my first map, it's the first map I've posted.
Interlocking would help make this bump free. It is sooo annoying when you fall off of a sky base because you can't walk smoothly and you must jump.
For your first map this is very good. The concept of it is good but to make it smoother, interlocking would help a lot. Good luck with improving this or making an even better map Have fun at forge hub
ok I'll see if I can fix it later, but I've already got an idea for a new map and I've got to build it now before I lose the whole idea and it'll be a waste of an idea.
Although this map isn't very neat or original, a few touches could make it that way. Definetly learn to interlock because it makes you maps look a ton better. Although it isn't original, I have to give you brownie points for making a non-Foundry map (they grow more rare everyday : p) I hope to see a really cool and nice looking version 2 and better yet, more maps from you in the future. Happy Forging!
ok version 2 is now released. Changes are: interlocked flooring, man cannon taken out, two assault platforms (to reduce possible camping), some new weapons. If you can still find any faults then just post.