This has been done before. You need to try to make a map atleast out of the map because others have. All you did was add a reciever node which in my eyes isn't classified as making a map.
i think your great you always manage to get something about your eyes when you name is eyeless sid lol soz i just think your awesome but yeah what you said is true - make a version two. but add some scenery a viewing box maybe? added barriers to make it look more enclosed perhaps lilypads?
nope, get that map back up this instant, it wasnt a bad map. not for your first it had a good idea and if you listen to the constructive critism *especially from me * i would likely download a v2 as I personally havent seen this idea played out well ever. if you did that ill be your first to download dont worry almost every one gets slaughtered on there first post but just remember when your feeling down, eat cake
Yes but, as said above you goto find out whatc poepel want not what you want- that's how you make a good map- just like my new map Junglr Gym I listened to peopel posts and mad a very good map and you say just downloade if it's bad that isn't constructive critisism tell them what they should do differently or imporve on that will make it a good map.
Umm ok ? Can't loyals lock the posts so that they just sink down the pages of the forums? I'm pretty new to loyal stuff