^ Download Here ^ Intercept- a small(ish) map, with big attitude- set up for all gametypes The bulk of the map is 4 levels, partially open, but - theres a catch- there is a hole in the floor at the top that drops you into a tunnel, no going back up. Inside of the tunnel, there are the main weapons- shotgun and sniper. The placement of sniper was very essential to the flow of the map- I wanted it to be an abundance of plazas that take you to the top, but without the "tower of power" sort of feel, where everyone camps the top. To prevent this, at the top of the map, I made a drop down that take you to the "camping weapons" if you will, but if you take them, you're back at square one. However, sniper has a window to take out some of the pressure of climbing back up the hill. Now, finally, what everyone wants to see on a map this well said, to prove that is easier DONE than SAID, the pictures: Overview 1: Top o' the hill Overview 2: Mid hill Overview 3: "Square one" Oversheilds: Start of tunnel: Mid tunnel: Sniper (through window): Well, that's all I got for this one, hope you enjoy playing it- My favs are Lowball, Moshpit, and team king
Ok, the person above as right, you need to embed them. I can tell by the HTML script that you tried to use them directly from bungie, you need to use an image hosting site. First save them from bungie to your computer. Then, select a site, I personally use, then get the urls from there and then put them in the html code.
looks pretty sweet the pictures finally worked, idk about a sniper for most people, i infact love snipers any level so it works out, one more thing, you may want to try adn interlock those walls more, you spent soo much time on the map, mine-as-well just finish it out 100% right?
Wow, I wasn't expecting to see a good map after not having pics, this looks well made and I like the box ramps.
what are you talking about the main hill is interlocked and a bunch of other stuff are to but really this is a well thought out map I REALLy love the hill and the sniper placement note: when you come up the large hill you hit a bump just for future reference with extreme bib bob
From your pictures this looks like its been very well put together even though the outer walls aren't interlocked (which you should probably think about in the future) i doubt it'd really interfere with the gameplay (unless you were properly wall-hugging). i shall have a look and get back to you.
Sorry guys, but umm... the link doesnt work now, Ill post V2 up tomorrow, probably along in a huge map pack containing my unreleased maps (theres alot, so clear up your que space!)
Can't tell much from the pictures, but much better when it comes down to seeing it for yourself. Good layout and forging.
i dled a while ago and i donno its all really good except the tunnels... they just tic me off. but good job forging anyway.