sooo gotta DL this thing. Best featered map in a while(no offence to the other featered map makers) this is a complicated, amazing map. How did he do it?
it probably is old judging by "finally got featured" comments but the mods have gone back and obviously thought yeah this is worth featuring in todays standards. On to the map i recently played it, its crazy it feels vertical when its not i have to say this is much more enjoy able the shift although i loved shift i laugh at my complexion whilst playing this map is awesome 5/5
This map is well deserved to be featured ! The interlocking is great and the funness of the map is extreme!
I am mildly dissapointed that Distortion achieved feature. Yes, its somewhat amazing, in the fact that it has an upsidedown room, but gameplay is almost as fun as boxing a rabid bear. I bet half the people commenting here have actually played on this map, and they probably never will. I beg the staff here to slow down on the freatured maps, because the quality will only go down from here. I wish for them to wait and see what maps really deserve it, not just give out features to whatever map looks fancy.
Care to explain WHY you think its not worth it,not just that the gameplay "is as fun as..." thats an OPINION.Meaning it means nothing to anybody else without a reasonable argument and evidence. It looks amazing and has a very well designed feature in the map so give a valid reason to why its not worht feature despite the 50 or so others that think it is. By the way boxing a rabid bear is incredibly fun,you never tried it?
If you like getting your face ripped off, then yes it's fun. Im not very happy with the map, because of objective object placement, weapons, and the incredible diificulty of movement. Some of the teleporters only work half the time, which is quite annoying. If the creator was to smoothen out some of the bumps and curbs and choose better object placements, gameplay would be greatly increased. Did I forget to mention the spawns? I just LOVE spawning with someone in my face.
How can you smoothen bumbs on a map like this? it's impossible. I've played the game, had a blast with objectives and slayer, and everyone loves to play on it.Nothing's wrong with weapon / objective placement, not to many power weapons or anything. Teleporters always work unless someone's standing on them, and movement is just fine when you get used to it...its a unique map that's very fun to play with nothing wrong with it, but I guess that's just my opinion.
So you played on it once then. After a while you get used to the way you have to move to get around. As for everything else, have you even played Version 2? the one that got featured? He's fixed the Teleporters spawns and everything else already.
I really did try my hardest to ensure that you never spawn in someone's face. Given the small size of the map it was incredibly difficult for me to place several spawn points out of sight of each other but I tried my hardest. The only time I've ever known it to mess up the spawns is in Oddball, because oddball seems to count all my spawn points as being neutral for some crazy reason, even though half of them are for teams only. I couldn't make the map any bigger because I had to forge the walls, and floors and ceilings, which is more forgery than you would normally have to do. Interlocking was limited because, simply put, it would be impossible to interlock all those objects on a tilt like that without it taking me like 10 times longer and losing out on even more space (Because the map needed to be smaller >.>). As it is I went over the budget and used almost all the scenery objects. If you can't handle the gameplay, then simply put, this map is not for you. It doesn't mean my map is bad, it's just that you can't handle the difference in style my map provides. If you think it is disorientating and you can't get the hang of it, then that's the point!!! It's supposed to confuse you! It is just different, I'm sorry for being original. I just want people to take into consideration the effort it takes to pull off something like this and there will inevitabley be some comprimises, and if you don't like the gameplay then understand that I did pull off the gameplay I was going for, you may not like it, just like some people don't like infection. To be honest, if you take a map like this too seriously you're bound to find flaws because it is the nature of the beast. I actually hope someone does make a better optical-illusion map than mine, but until then you can't complain about the lack of forging talent in this map until you attempt to make one of your own, because it is completely different to making a normal map. P.S. I dunno what you're talking about with the teleporters, they work fine.
Looks amazing I love these types of maps its like art work unfortunately its always slayer someone should try inffection
Im not saying that you are did a bad job. I just wish there were some fixes, and it seemed to get featured impulsively (but not as fast as the last one, that was just ridiculous). And waylander, I played around six games.