City Center! (Click ^ to DL) Created by Pyro Liam This map was an attempt to make the gametype Territories, fun. This map took me a long time to create. After acidently ending game instead of starting a new round. It resaulted in me starting this map all over again. All though the second time around I was ALOT more satisfied with it. I used the unlimited money glitch to aid me in this map. Features; -5 Uniquely styled buildings each with breakable entrances, front entrances, skylights and breakable rooftops. -Great sniper outposts -Many fusion coils to stop those pesky campers. -Teleporters in the central building leading to each base. Although they start off blocked, it will take some man power to un-block them. -Two two way teleporters leading between each sniper outpost. Weapons, equipment and veichles; -2 Mongooses -2 Snipers -2 Lasers -1 Shoutgun -8 Battle rifles -4 Assault rifles -2 Magnums -6 Plasma grenades -1 Spike grenade -1 Deployable cover Suggested games -Territories -Neutral assault -Multi flag Have fun Pictures:
I wish you had of posted more pictures of you map. I like the idea of it but I can't quite make out exactly what the layout of the map is. I get the general idea but I think more screenshots will aid in the appeal of this map. Some more overview images. Also one other thing with the screenshots I would suggest is to seperate each screenshot. It get a little awkward when seeing them all bunched together. Anyway, I don't have my box back from repairs yet so I can't comment on game play however from what I can tell from the images you have posted I would expect this map to be very fun. Nice open areas combined with close quarters buildings calls for all types of game play. The weapons on the map don't seem to over whelming in the way that you haven't just chucked every weapon into the map. One thing I would suggest you change with the weapons is the Lasers. Lasers don't usually work well in Foundry maps, especially two of them. I can't say anything specific about the maps because, as previously stated, I don't have my box so I can't play test. Lasers are usually very overpowering in Foundry. This map looks very well planned out and looks great. It does not need more interlocking but I think the overall aesthetic of the map can be improved with more precise interlocking, for example in the first image with the windows, they look quite crooked. It wouldn't make much difference to game play but if you straightened a few items out to make everything smoother you will get more downloads.
Thank you for such constructive critisism. I will agree with you on the interlocking. Yes a fair amount of it isent locked together, although alot of it is, there would still be room for improvement. As well as the lasers. Prehaps they could be substitued for a lesser powerfull weapon, but equaly as good at taking down veichles. From what alot of people tell me, I need more pictures. I'll get right on it. Pyro
looks well made but you need to straighten out those window panels. Other then theat it looks like a solid team slayer map!
Sorry for double post, some lag :s Yes it does need more interlocking. And thanks for the positive comment.
No worries buddy, glad I can help out. Perhaps just one Rocket Launcher? Maybe even just replacing one with a Trip Mine. Something more subtle, it's not hard to take out a mongoose using just a BR anyway.
Each one is placed in a diffrent building, so to make it even I would place on in each one. A trip mine wouldent realy do the job, it could just be something as simple as plasma grenades I guess.
The ideas in the pics look great but more pictures are need to show the overall map You'll never know the rest could be crap or even nothing there!!