Go ahead. Say something nice. :squirrel_giggle: 18 years yay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Jlb9pwnxwQ
Iron Tusk is teh 18. Awesome man, now you can do anything you want (just keep in mind if you do something illegal you are fully responsible of yourself haha Anyways I say you should go buy a pack of smokes just for the hell of being able to buy them.
Happy Birthdayyy!!!!!!!! im almost 18 too so i know hows you feel =D woooo!! now go buy cigarettes and porn ;]
Have a happy one, dude. Now you can get that tattoo of that porn star smoking a cigarette you always wanted...
Happy Birthday Man! Forget about the cigarettes, Go buy Lottery tickets and Porn.. Actually, get the cigarettes, you can use one after the porn.
roflofl, i already posted in your visitor messages, but since you have a thread, i'll just go ahead and ride the gravy train with everyone else, HAPPY BIRFDAY
Zoolander! I just bought that movie to watch it on my new laptop on my airplane ride tomorrow. Best movie ever...
Lolz!! Happy 18th birthday! I would go now and see any 18 film! Even if it is really bad! Have a good one dude!