Why is infection so popular in custom games and forge?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HumBoys, Apr 24, 2008.


    Senior Member

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    i used to like infection until everyone started to make them unfair infection maps. the reason why i liked it was because too me theres nothing funner then being chased by 14 zombies in a warthog and a good gunner driving around sandtrap.
  2. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    I agree with most of you. What really gets to me is that wierd miners gametype, with the shotguns and smg's and instant kill zombies.
  3. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    haha, infection is fun, but not all the yime
  4. Tofu

    Tofu Ancient
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    I guess people just like killing zombies.
  5. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    Another wall. I should just start a blog or something I swear.

    To be honest, there are a lot of reasons to hate Infection, most of them due to custom options (like the aforementioned inf ammo and instant kill), and this leads to everyone to instantly choose not to play them in TGIF, and in most custom lobbies in general.

    Actually, an Infection group could be quite good, if it weren't for the fact that most games will still suck. This is the problem I have with Infection. I love it, I think it's a brilliant gametype. BUT, and it's a big but, there are a very large number of people who don't care about gameplay, fairness, or enjoyment on everyone's part. In fact, these seem to be the majority.

    These are, as mentioned above, the kids who make forts, and long corridors with turrets. And these are the people who cause problems. I will always stick up for infection on the whole, because of it's potential for fun, but I will similarly agree that much of the time, it's not even worth looking at someones new "l33t" Infection map.

    Were it not for this, if there were people dedicated to(or at least more interested in) making balanced Infection maps, and less whiny children on XBL, I can guarantee that it would be more popular.

    (Wow, handy coincedence: whilst writing that, a strange theme that may or may not be a patriotic national anthem, came on tv XD)

    One thing I would ask though (not sure why, just kinda want to) is that you don't instantly toss Infection to the gutter, but instead try to remember (and recreate) what infection is supposed to be. Not this stupid forts & turrets bullshit, and not "OMG super-speedy zombi3z w/ grav hams and sw0rd5", but real infection: Overwhelming odds, last second clutch kills, limited ammunition, and most importantly, fun for everyone.

  6. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    infection isn't bad...it's just the hundreds of bad maps for it that make you think its bad. I will have to admit though that it is harder than it seems to make a balanced infection map. i've only made like one balanced one out of many tries.
  7. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    It's nice to see an intelligent wall of text every once and a while. I cannot beleive I just read that, though...
  8. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    Haha, yeah, I have a habit of typing up mini-essays.

    But if you look at it this way, with so many idiots on the internet already (and on this forum too, you know who you are), all the reading I force y'all to do must bump the average IQ up by at least a little :D

    Nah, I jest, I'm not really that arrogant as to think that (I'm not, I swear :p)

    Either way, I'm currently working on an Infection project (no, I lie, I've already made an Infection project, it just needs a little work still) that should be relatively fair for both teams.

    So far, when tested (even with a game plan for the humans) we've only managed to have 4 humans (out of 8 players) reach the end of the map alive. More details eventually, but hopefully it should work out nicely.
  9. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    its fun writing essays though aint it lich ;)
    I used to treat infection similar to you,sticking up for it in custom games,till i started getting invited to this tool sandals R and his idiot friends.
    They killed all my beliefs that infection could be fun,by continuosly putting the most f***ing retarded maps on with gay gametypes.
    Not only that but that tool also stole peoples map,ive since stopped playing with him and removed him from my list.
    Ive still lost all hope in playing a fun infection game...

    Senior Member

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    remember the good ole days of fun infection games driveing around in worthogs. but then bungie had to kill it when they came out with the heroic map pack and our beloved foundery. if i join a infection game then i try to ask if it has interlocking which usally dont and i tell them to put it on his file share. so we can download it. but yet the party leader never do what i tell him to do.
  11. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    See, this is the problem. We're letting some bad (okay, truly awful in some cases) experiences ruin the fun of Infection. I have admittedly been forced to endure games in which the zombies spawn in a pit and humans outside on ledges with snipers (as a zombie no less), but I'm still adamant that Infection is and always will be the best casual gametype available.

    Although technically the only casual gametype I guess, but shush. :p
  12. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    I have a plan for an infection map which SHOULD be balanced. It's a fort map, Yes I know... FAIL But it's UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! Rounds last five minutes and it won't be fully built till 3 mins in.there will also be turrets which get disabled with sheild doors after a short amount of time :D and stuff like that. My idea - no stealy! =)
  13. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Why dont you just put a big bullseye on your back and yell 2Dont shoot me!!!!"
    :),meh still sounds like a fort map to me,limit power weapon ammo and it should be ok.
    Tbh honest im on a similar endevor(1stf map evarrr!!!1") cept im having player activated spawns so you can control the fort and sneak in,hidden entracnes and the like.
    Hopeyours turns out ok
  14. Terminate421

    Terminate421 Ancient
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    Soon, I will put it up in my fileshare and try and get the map noticed but I recently have made a map, where the zombies, can kill the humans because they have:
    MANY entrances
    gravity (on my map, it is the most important aspect for the zombies)
    no spawn killings (shield doors are amazing)
    Humans have limited ammo and weaponry

    I need to get a game soon to take screen shots, and I shall be able to make a game where the zombies and the humans have even abilities to kill each other with on this map and gametype.

    by the way, I have tested it and it turns out, the humans cannot camp the entrances, no matter how hard they try.
  15. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Yeh I don't actually care about people stealing my idea... :)
    and power weapon spawns?... Shotgun on ground floor low respawn rate with very limited ammo sound about right?
  16. I3leeding heart

    I3leeding heart Ancient
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    infection is perhaps my favourite gametype, probably because of aliens n stuff like that
    theres nothing like being the last man standing in a 16 player game
  17. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Infection is popular because you don't have to wait for your party to split up into teams or (for the most part) worry about honor rules. It is also an easy/fun/addicting game to play.
  18. thrame1807

    thrame1807 Ancient
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    Ok I'm trying really hard to make good maps when map critiks say it's good I'm like :D:D:D Then freinds and 5 year olds say it's crap beacause it's fair well f*** you as*f*****s
  19. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    People can not play it in match making and it is a more relaxed fun kind of feel so they play in custom i also belive i have an idea after seeing this thread for a balanced infection map it could work but there are many challenges with balancing this

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