Dang! Dood this map is sick! It made me dizzy after a few minutes. And I still can't find my way around the place! Nice work man 10/10
For the first time in a while I am in complete support of this featured map. I love this map, its in my top 5. The gameplay always provides laughs. I love jumping on this map. I knew it would get featured.
This map is crazy. i dont understand the physics of this map. i played a like 3v3v3 game and it was so hard then another 3 people joined, it was like next to impossible
wooooooooooooooooot distortion finally got featured, it was kinda funny how this came out JUST after they featured shift, as shift was definately not as good, but more of the original...great job buddha you deserved this feature
Finally! This map is amazingly creative and is so fun to play. It's so weird the first time you play it. Great job, Buddha and congrats on the feature!
Thanks for the feature. I never thought I would make something worthy of a feature but I'm glad you guys all enjoyed my map! I promise to continue working on creative maps that add something new. My next distorted map will not just be the same as this with different scenery I can assure you! My creativity has always been limited to puzzle map making, so it's nice to see that I've successfully applied my imagination to a different style of map.
BuddhaCrane you're just like your names says "a god." This map is the best map I have ever downloaded, you should become a loyal just because of this. lol 9287928739 out 5
Finally Lol about time this got featured.... Ilove playing on the map... hte cofnusoin wlil makaa uo tipe funni
I just want to point out the fact that this is one of the first features without a few 1's/2's from people flaming it...makes me pleased...and i think the reason why, is because this is one of the maps that is all-around awesome...and i definately believe it deserves such high ratings...
Sqorck showed me this map a few weeks ago. It is awesome! Shift was good, but only for originality, this is put together better and is more complex. Is it weird that it gave me less of a headache than shift though? The turret thing is awesome, just walking on this map is awesome,. This is a map I actually wanted to get featured, unlike the last few.
Wow... I just played this map while I was drunk, and then I had to go play Porcelain Pony if you know what I mean...
i dled this when it came out, and i knew it had to be featured. it is amazing, but neither pictures nor words can the describe the fun you get out of it