LOL! ROFL! and other random internet speak that I dont really undestand..... Was this staged or just dumb luck?
LOLZZZ!! This pic reminds me of family guy when peter has one and he thinks he got raped XD LOLLL Nice pic
I know what its supposed to be, from the title, but I wouldn;t be able to tell without it...Kinda confusing
lol, thats really funny, but i wonder why he's pointing a gun there. afraid something might jump out?
I dunno. Screenshots like that should look more realistic. Like, when people take shots of someone doing something funny as they die, they try to get rid of any fallen grenades and weapons in the picture. In this pic, he's obviously just pointing a gun at someone's ass. Do you know what I mean?
LOLZ!! This pic is class i like how hes lying down and i agree with boydy .. It reminds me of family guy ;P