The Big Bank One massive bank to rule them all. This map is great for competitive racing and is alot of fun with its huge main banked curve, jump, and other curve, it will be hard to stay on track. Be the best and master this course! Pictures are in chronological order: Starting point Start of the bank The Bank Into the tunnel Out of the tunnel Off the first jump To the second bank Off the banks jump To the OTHER tunnel Out of the tunnel, getting a point, and starting all over Download Here BEST PLAYED WITH GAME TYPE THAT HAS FULL GRAVITY ON TO PREVENT JUMPING Please leave feed back
Really nice job on the map, but the linked pics are lame. The banks could be smoothed by interlocking, and i also noticed that the point marker can be walked in and out of, and there are tons of ways to cheat. I'm guessing were going on the honor rule?
Um, the game type I use for race maps has full gravity so you really cant jump over anything. I would interlock the bank but I can never get the wall in the right place, if someone could help me out with this, that would be awesome. Also the walking in and out of will be fixed in V2 and I am hoping to get the interlocking in as well.
It's ok we all make common mistakes and this is a pretty good map- nice job keep forging and never give up.
Yay the bank - if you want it to be good has to be huge- I mean it so hat name couldm atch the description that is what you have to do to get a 10/10 on this map is to make ahuge bank- 8/10 right now.
I ran into a problem when my interlocking wouldn't work, don't worry, I am making a V2 and I'm hoping to make bank bigger (with better use of interlocking).
it looks like a good idea, but you need to interlock. if you dont already know how this will teach you:
it does look good, but the risk factor in that first jump is kinda a put off. i prefer open easier race maps.