Telefrag Based on: Pit Gametype: Telefrag (Team Slayer; Click to download) It also works for every other gametype, but I suggest using the same settings as the above gametype. Description:This map is the first offense-defense type map made. The map is separated into two bases, each completely blocked off from each other besides one teleporter. In the beginning one team is forced to play defense while the other team attacks (because one teleporter is blocked and the other teleporter isn't). A minute later they switch roles and continue doing so every minute. The bases are the normal bases where the maulers spawn and the teleporters lead to the second level. The thing that separates this map from any other map is that the teleporters alternate being blocked. When the game starts one teleporter is blocked while the other is free. One minute later the second teleporter is blocked while the first teleporter get unblocked. And it continues every minute onwards. In this version I tried to make it so the boundaries are virtually impenetrable, but glitches happen where the things bounce, disappear, or multiple spawn and that can cause gaps or the walls to collapse. If that happens just ignore it and play the game the way it was meant to be played. Screenshots: The outside: The inside: That power drainer can be useful: An unblocked teleporter: A blocked teleporter: Here is the link to download (you can also click on the map name at the top of the post):
looks like lots of explosions. ill try it. 8)
looks great How do you place something in the air with out making a whole tower of crates? i tried making a sky base in narrows yesterday, the crates kept on messing up.
You have to do that first, but when you get to the point you want you can place a teleporter than and then delete the boxes. Teleporters and weapon holders are the only objects that stay in the air if they spawn there. Everything else falls. So once the teleporter is floating where you want it to be you can place the object you want right ontop of the teleporter. And I'll try to get some action shots.
pretty cool looking, pit is my favorite base map to forge off of, glad to see you share the same passion for it.
No, CTF works on the map but its not as good as Slayer. If you play CTF, when you get to the other team's flag you have to wait for your teleporter to become unblocked again before you can get the capture. Slayer is just more fun because you play for kills and you have to work together as a team when the other team attacks because they will probably pick up alot of kills at that time if you aren't ready.
if you adjust spawn times and such with your borders, you can make it so they don't fall and disappear.
AJ Spartan, you probably saw this in my application. When I made this map I have not seen any other map use this idea. From what I know this it the only map that does this, if you saw another one please show me. s_tygard, I set it to instant respawn and ten second respawn, thats the lowest it can get.
Well the instant respawn only works when the object disppears and the ten respawn occurs of an object is moved from its original position (I think, but I think it behaves differently on barriers)
I queued this up, if I'm not too busy with the new maps, i'll see if I can't fix the walls, i've already fixed barrier and blockade problems in other maps. I'll see what I can do ;D
I duno it seems pretty easy to escape from the bases out into the rest of the map... You may want to look into that.