Hi every one check out this great map that i had made Foundry http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=38335899 look at pictures of the map go to this link http://crawldog.com/elitegameing/index.php
you need pics, and a description, and the mods are gonna eat you alive if you dont get it right, so read this topic to make sure that you do =) >http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1196
ok ummm ya I agree 110% with sabian this map is way!! below standards! i suggest u look at other maps before u start posting your own! I never posted a map until i reached the guerilla stage and your only a trainee! My maps werent even that good! I suggest u get to know forgehub a alot better then start posting map! Good Luck! Like my post is longer than your description of your map ! lol
your post isnt up to forgehub standards please fix it. it sounds like a great map but w/o a description then we have no idea about the map
well the map looks all right but since it looks like the humans have a HUGE advantage i say you use the michilinman game type where the alpha zombie is invicilbe and moves very very slow
No offense, but this is really boring. Everytime I play this all the zombies quit. I think we all know why :\ I don't wanna be so cruel, but this map isn't that great, sorry.