gh3 tyrant not gh2. but thats crazy he FCd(full combo) ttfaf. i always fail at 81%. wow i still can't believe it
You don't have to in the beginning. But, read below. _____________________ It's a bot, he didn't do it he may have moved his fingers or done some, I dunno. BUT, if you watch, when he turns star power on the guitar isn't up.
First of all, this is definitely legit. The select button is an alternative and is much more efficient in deploying starpower. You also can tell it isn't a bot because bots don't light up the notes at the bottom, but if you watch during the parts where it's thousands of GGGGGOOOGGGGGBBBB etc. you can watch the green button stay pressed.
he was tapping. such as strumming with his elbow. i have reached 91%. my fingers hurt so bad, after five hours of retry after retry. a bot tried to do it and got 96%. Yeah, I meant gh3.
wow, that was so amazing. i can beat the song and get 90% on a good day. and yeah, the select button can be used for starpower. im surprised at how many people dont know this. the game tells you thats the default way to use it
wow that guy deserves a big ol freakin medal that says "I am Legend" Thats the most points Ive ever seen someone do.