Description: Hey guys, I'm new to Forgehub and I just wanted to post a map up just to see what you guys think.This is your basic slayer map, it supports 5 player lonewolve or 5v5 team slayer. For a better perspective on the map check out the pictures. Trust me the pics dont tell everything though so download it . By the way it is my first interlocking map so I would like constructive criticism only. Download map Here: OVERVIEW SNIPER SPAWN HOG BASE FORT 1 FORT 2 OBELISK ACTION SHOTS: NICE KILL BUT CLOSE DEATH DAT WAS A BEATING LOL THE SENTINAL BEAM LOOKS LIKE A DINOSAUR HE DIDN'T SEE IT Map Testers, Thank you SpartanEvolved2 xxCAGHOSTxx BY THE WAY I AM POSTING AN INFECTION MAP CALLED LAND OF DEAD SOON. I HAD ALREADY MADE IT BUT THAT WAS A WHILE AGO AND I NEED TO TOUCH IT UP A LITTLE. OK WELL GLAD TO BE IN FORGEHUB,THANK YOU!
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to forgehub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screenshots section in your Halo 3 profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as imageshack. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image url for you, then take that url and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. Good luck with your post, and if you need any further assistance please PM me or a forgehub moderator..
The pics arent working. BUT Once you get'em going im gonna change this to something more constructive. BTW PLEASE dont name your map Land Of Dead Its not a good name, It not orginal, Its not even proper english Sorry but names like that turn me off right away,come up with something clever and youll get more DL's
Ya I know thanks for the tip but this is actually based on a scene from th Land of the Dead movie LINK:
Thats fair enough but id still suggest naming it something to do with how it plays.Or mybe the particular scene its based on. Land of the dead,dead rising,resident evil.... THERES MILLIONS OF THEM OUT THERE. You can always point out its based on land of the dead in the details
Hello and welcome to the Forge Hub Community. Your current post is not up to Forge Hub Community standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read the topic link below for more information about correct map posting format. Correct Map Posting: I know you've probably heard that a bunh already, just reminding you. But from the pictures the map looks like a fun map for some BR action.
constctive critsism.... ummm dont take pics in forge, and i recommend puttint double and single boxes upside down, u did do that, but not for the first base
looks nice but too open someone with a BR could stop any one from crossing ps. i lnow your secret u coppied the middle pice from machu peachu lol
First of all I did not copy the middle piece from machu pichu and second of all they look completely different! LOOK! MACHU PICHU: TRUTH(MY MAP): TRUTH be told lol
That first reply isnt the recommendations, its the rules. If i come on tommorow and this hasnt changed, im locking this thread. Embed your screenshots ! Read the first reply.
Uh-oh. Matty is gonna pwn you if you don't fix it quick! Get to it! I want to see your map without clicking links! I'll check back later.
dude this sites retarted i uploaded my pics five times from image shak and photo bukit but still never worked
You have had more than 24 hours, and still havn't updated your pictures. If you actually want to post this without it getting locked again, i suggest you read the rules first. Save your screenshots, then upload and embed them.