No scope would be the only way to play a game of snipers on a foundry map like this, as it is meant for team slayer
the interlocking is a little sloppy and the layout is very simple. it might provide for one fun game but thats it. 3/5
Yeah the more screenshots the better; Screens give us more of a guideline to what your map is and how it will play.
The original layout was much more exciting. It would provide more than one fun game. And lastly, I notice that it is sloppy, I acknowleged that before I even posted this on forgehub, and I said that when I update it, I will fix it up. Learn to read dumb -blam!.
Hey dumb -blam! I have like 8 screen shots, why don't you read my post and not his. You guys are really starting to piss me off. Again, learn to #%$!ing read my posts.
add more stuff seems empty and also i think you ran out of money am i wrong?? maybe add bridges crates or something for cover possibly make it so you absolutely can not get out.. Grenade Jump
Yes, I am adding more things. I am moving the higher walls from the inside perimeter (around the hole) to the outside perimeter. I used the infinite money glitch, but I am not using it for the update and I am adding more cover.
it looks really cool with the doors and all but the walls are a bit crooked and when ur merging boxes try to do it as little as possible so it looks natural. when they r merged more than they need to be they look unnatural and glitchy in my experience
Personally, I don't think you need to make a new version of this map because it ROCKS MY SOCKS. I am going to DL it today.
I agree, I should have spent more time interlocking the boxes. The next map I make will have better interlocking
Eh, it looks playable. The interlocking, for the most part, isn't very exact. Now, I say this because I'm picky as picky can come, I'm OCD, and I'm generally a rule-adherant douche, but that's just my problem. *The floor could've been lined up to look a bit cleaner. *The Bridges used to prevent map escapage could've been lined up at the same angle with a bit more effort. *I saw a Fence Box that merely needed a push to the left in order to look better. The smallest steps make a map look better. I'd say this is noteworthy, but not DL worthy.
If your beingTOOnosey, then I already know that you are picky. I understand that everything could have been neater. Look forward to straightened boundary walls, more cover, more game variant support, and the best feature done by accident, the BR perch, which will only be accessible in assymetric games in hoLe down v.2!
This looks like a neat map. I'm a fan of arenas myself, and can this be used for FFA, coz that would be awesome. I like how the doors work, by taking the powerup and i think overall the map is very neat. It could be improved in many ways however, like the walls and such. I'll be looking forward to V2