War Museum made by the Predator720 Download War Museum (there have been added walls on the top so you cant get out these are just pics from an earlier virsion) War Museum is and excellent FFA or small team slayer map because of the fact that there is so many places for action. it also supports all other gametypes but it is not as fun because of its size War Museum is a... well a war museum that features most of the equipment used in the war of the covenant. if you are loosing a match well at least you can enjoy the scenery. the map features a weapons, mongeese, warthog, covenant, truck, a blue room and a science display (fusion coils). as a bonus for those people who think museums are boring i added a ball pit for you. also we added a sky walk which you can go from one side to the other but watch out because there is a rocket launcher up there too now for some screen shots... this is a main picture of the map which shows the fusion coil display the sky walk and part of the ball pit. this is the mongeese and warthog display. this is the inside of the sky walk. this is the weapons display (you cant take them). this is the ball pit thanks to all the people who helped test P.S. there is a secret way to get the hog...
I don't see the point of this map. You got weapons you can't take. You got vehicles you can't drive, and your supposed to play on it? Im sorry, but this really isn't what people are looking for in a map.
First off, let me say, your skywalk is incredible, but everything else is kinda lacking. Now, if you were to do an overhaul on this map, like adding weapons, and making it impossible to grenade jump out. Then we would be talking. The originality of this map is outstanding. The map itself just needs some tweaking to get it more playable. PS I may use your walkway style in future maps...hehe
i like the idea of an aesthetic competitive map, I hope it plays well, ill have to see but good job it looks nice.
lol, i think this map is kinda funny. but maybe it belongs in the aesthetic maps section? im not quite sure, what are some suggested gametypes and party sizes?
I think this would fit better in the athetic section than it does in this one. I'm questioning its competitiveness.
I really like the idea that you can't really shoot many places immediatly with the rocket because it can't go through fence walls, whereas in the pit a rocket can almost always mean an immediate double kill.
this looks awesome. Despite what others are saying, I see only some few minor flaws in this map. One is the forge. It seems some parts are a little sloppy. Pic 3 and 4. In 3, the skywalk looks messy as you can see out the tunnel. And pic 4, that wall in back is sticking in crooked. Just some simple forging can fix this. Also, as stated, it would seem quite easy to get out of this map with a real simple grenade jump. However I see plenty of great things in this map. First, the originality. I've never seen a museum and it seems you pulled it off nicely. The articfacts and exhibits are awesome ideas. When I saw the Weapon display I laughed. That is great. There should be a human and covenant weapon display. (just for coolness :]) and the skywalk is awesome. So really the only thing I see wrong is the escapability and some crooked walls. Excellent map and idea XD Nearly perfectly executed. This definitely looks fun, keep up the great work here!
Looks really good and nice on originallity! I like the idea of not being able to get the weapons. Gives it that extra authencity.
its ok but i just wondering if you supposed to be able to play slayer on it, also it could use more interlocking