i resent that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a good - ol - fashion - stoner movie sadface also, the link to the love guru was broked EDIT: not broked, just would lag every time i tried to play it
Lol well I'm not really a great fan of "Stupid Funnies" ... So yeah... Know what I mean? EDIT: I'm trying to find videos of the new Captain America and Dragon Ball movies =\ Can't though...
Update =] ____________ Step Brothers Release Date: 18 September 2008 Two spoiled guys become competitive stepbrothers after their single parents get hitched. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Nx61qtdbg&fmt=18
You Forgot Journey To The Center Of The Earth And F'in Kung Foo Panda For Christs Sake!!! EDIT: DAM RAIN YOU MISSED A LOT OF MOVIES!!! lol... Let me add: -Tropic Thunder -Star Wars: The Clone Wars I'll be back when I find what else you missed... oh yea, HSM3? lol jk... and FYI, there wont be any trailers for Capt America or DBZ because they havent begun filming yet...
Update ________________ Diary Of The Dead Release Date:7 March 2008 (UK) A group of young film students run into real-life zombies while filming a horror movie of their own. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=2MdqNr0gN4Y&fmt=18__________ Quarantine Release Date: 17 October 2008 (USA) warning: may disturb younger viewers Television reporter Angela Vidal (Jennifer Carpenter) and her cameraman (Steve Harris) are assigned to spend the night shift with a Los Angeles Fire Station. After a routine 911 call takes them to a small apartment building, they find police officers already on the scene in response to blood curdling screams coming from one of the apartment units. They soon learn that a woman living in the building has been infected by something unknown. After a few of the residents are viciously attacked, they try to escape with the news crew in tow, only to find that the CDC has quarantined the building. Phones, Internet, televisions and cell phone access have been cut-off, and officials are not relaying information to those locked inside. When the quarantine is finally lifted, the only evidence of what took place is the news crew's videotape. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=eNnZTMpZvNE&fmt=18____ Scar Release Date: Out now warning: may disturb younger viewers Joan Burrows (Bettis) returns to her hometown for her niece's graduation, only to be confronted by the serial killer she thought she offed years ago -- after he kidnapped and tormented her and her best friend. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=SpDyN9mOJEo&fmt=18
ohmahgawd, they all look so scary! the 2nd one doesn't look that good, but the serial killer one looks like a real seat grabber, and a bit of a controversial one. Also, the first one looks like it could be just another zombie movie, but with a different perspective, maybe a decent one...idk
I just finished watching this movie, it's really good! Don't knock it till you see it _______ Shelter Release Date: Out now Forced to give up his dreams of art school, Zach spends his days working a dead-end job and helping his needy sister care for her son. In his free time he surfs, draws and hangs out with his best friend, Gabe, who lives on the wealthy side of town. When Gabe's older brother, Shaun, returns home, he is drawn to Zach's selflessness and talent. Zach falls in love with Shaun while struggling to reconcile his own desires with the needs of his family. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93IVhORpIbc&fmt=18
i was watching til about half way through, thinking it was just another average movie, and i was like, why the **** would reynbow post this one? then BAM two dudes laying next to eachother all up in you fizzace. should have seen that coming...
It may seem like that's the only reason I posted it and as I started watching this I was thinking the same thing, another bland movie. But it is really in depth, it's a great movie you can watch over and over again.
I just cant wait to see The Happening because im a big fan of M.Nights' other films. And finally some blood! Although I thought Quaratine was an interesting take on a zombie movie, kinda like Cloverfield.
wow iv seen allot of those trailers but now i want to c them even more get smart looks extremely funny and hancock well it has will smith what more could u ask for