TITLE: United Space Alliance Cargo Hanger DOWNLOAD: CLICK HERE The United Space Alliance has spent years building the Docking Station until it unfortunately was damaged by a solar flare from the Earths Sun and uncontrolably fell back to earth and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. Fifteen years later a new Orbital Military Installation was built with the purpose to defend our planet from destruction. Ships dock daily with the Cargo Hanger in order to off load equipment, weapons and personnel that will remain on Base for up to three months. The Control Tower guides ships in and closes off the Hanger with the Energy shield to maintain the artificial atmosphere within the Facility and Hanger. You and your fellow soldiers are the newest addition to the Installation and hope you enjoy your stay. No Surrender, No Mercy! (INSIDE GUNSHIP) (OUTSIDE THE HANGER ::: CONTROL TOWER OVERLOOKING HANGER) (ARMORY STATION :: CAUTION! EXPLOSIVES OVERHEAD) (STAIRS TO INTERSECTION) (UPPER STORAGE w/ CARGO :: HIDDEN ROCKETS) (RIDE AROUND THE HANGER ON A MONGOOSE) (TAKING OUT SECURITY AT THE TURRET) (OPERATE THE SHIPS TURRETS) (LAST STAND) CAPTURE THE FLAG KING OF THE HILL INFECTION ASSAULT SLAYER One of the largest Foundary Variants created in which there are multiple battling arenas such as: The Hanger, Control Room, Grav Chamber, Main Street, Arming Station, Security Post, Overpass. A variety of weapons located at every corner of the map, so you'll never be unarmed. Make your way to the Control Tower and hold it as the enemy fights to gain control. Do your best in a CTF Match to grab the flag located in the Control Tower, or plant the Bomb in ASSAULT and blow the Tower to rumble. With an entire Base and Hanger to hide in, be the last man standing when the Infected come from within the Control Tower seeking Blood. You'll go insane running everywhere to make it on time to gain control of a hill in a KOTH Match. Check it out, ARMING STATION Shotgun Regenerator SMG Sentinel Beam Grenades BR CARGO HANGER BR's Needler Sniper Rifle Rocket Launcher Spartan Laser Spiker Grenades Bubble Shield GUNSHIP Plasma Pistol BR Active Camo Energy Sword 3 Machine Gun Turrets SECURITY POST Machine Gun Turret BR MAIN STREET Brute Shot BR's Plasma Rifle Mongoose SMG Carbine INTERSECTION SMG BR's Power Drain Deployable Cover Greandes GRAV CHAMBER Overshield CONTROL TOWER Bubble Shield Deployable Cover Shotgun BR Grenade Thank you to everyone who helped me test this one out.
Thanks alot man, I worked hard on this one, I made sure it would work great for every gametype. Congrats on the First Post.
It looks great but i would take off the fish eye effect and zoom out in the photos (just to see more of the map to see how all the pics come together. It helps the readers form a mental picture of the map) Other then that it looks great and i will DL.
yea... well your entitled to your opinion. Pics are fine and I'll add more, and it isn't a fish eye look, I had to do Haloramic to get the full LEFT to RIGHT grand scale look in a single photo. Ill add more pics in 5 minutes..... always want more, geeze.
This looks absolutely amazing. Pristine interlocking, and beautiful aesthetics from what ive seen so far. I love the "grav chamber", looks like a challenge to grab the os. Everything looks neat and tidy, which are my two favorite things when it comes to forging, and the gameplay looks balanced from first glance. When my 360 is repaired I will most definitely dl and post a second review. Great job man, keep up the good work!
Looks nice. But please dont edit and stretch the pics it hurts my eyes if I had any still a good map.
I did not edit or stretch any of the photos this time, All I did was add TEXT naming the Image. Like I said I did a PANORAMIC shot on the photos, to get a wider scale of every arena. Thanks for the feedback and I am putting more SIMPLE images up right now.
This looks really cool actually, I'll dl. Not sure why it's in aesthetic if its for slayer and stuff though.
Becuase it interlocks and I made a map that looks like a place, for example... The Space Ship... the Hanger, the Control tower...Grav Chamber... I think the maps Ive made could be used to make one heck of a Halo Movie.