MondeagoIve created a map that has both open space and close quarters combat. It is completely symmetrical. There is a main building in the center. Outside of the building there is a court containing a man-cannon. Under the man-cannon is a ghost that is blocked from getting in the building and court by plasma shields. You can take a man-cannon to and a grav lift in the back of the building to the top floor. On the top floor there is a hole that takes you to the bottom floor, there is also the roof looking over the outside behind the hole where the man-cannon takes you. On the bottom floor the are 2 entrances from the front and 2 from the back. This is also the sword room. This room also leads to the outer balcony the paths to it are above the entrances from the front. On the side of the house there are bunkers with slits to shoot or throw grenades through. behind the bunkers are teleporters which take you to the rooms already in foundry's map structure. The hallway between these rooms is open and contains a sniper in the center. Map Description: This small summer home on earth was once taken by hostile forces and used as an arsenal against the humans. Now it is an abandoned battleground with weapons still left from it's previous storage uses. 4-10 players Weapons include: battle rifles 2 covenant carbines sword plasma pistol brute shot sniper 2 maulers 2 spikers needler rocket launcher x4 rockets Equipment: 2 bubbleshields 1 power drain 14 plasma grenade trip mine invisibility powerup vehicles: ghost Gametypes: ctf, slayer, oddball, and koth Pictures: Outside Man Cannon shoots you to top floor Top floor Back entrance to top floor Bottom floor/sword room Side hallway sniper side bases (teleporter does not go to other side base but the back corner of that side) Thank you for looking and hopefully you will enjoy my map. download here: I am always open to criticism and advise please comment on what you think and please comment and rate on the bungie thread
looks incredible i love circular on halo my list is full so il lcopy to my fileshare so i dont forget. I love the walk way around the centre collumn its superb so creative. However i think your use of shield doors suck. I would'nt like to play this map with them as SD = Camping true fact And if you do feel the need do them how I do them on my map Greed place a double box where you want it and put the shield door facing down from the double box leaving a gap underneath - still looks awesome but no camping as your lower body can be seen (note this only works with normal shield doors) you need something higher for the big shield doors
My first opinion of the map is that the middle structure looks stunning but the outside is a bit lackluster. The interlocking in the upper level, sword room, and balcony is feature-worthy. Most of the inside of the center structure is aesthetically perfect. What I don't like about the map is the boxes hanging off the edge of other boxes (like those in the first pic), the side bases (maybe I just don't like structures made of walls, but it just doesn't fit IMO), and the whole empty section leading towards the back tunnels. I know it's a vehicle map, but having a whole empty section like that just doesn't look good. What you put there is your choice, but something needs to fill up some of that space. If you ran out of money (which I think you did), then I can't help you there. But if you've still got some left, try improving the long-range combat area. Looks promising: inside - 9/10 outside - 5/10 overall - 7.5/10
I will keep this in mind if I upgrade the map and fix flaws. And u were right i did run out of money, I couldnt think of what to do so I ended up putting a ghost in there.
nice job interlocking, but it seems a little messy, no matter how neat you made it, lol if that makes sense. still even if its not a looker, it should still be great fun to play on.
The interlocking and layout of the center structure is just amazing! The way the map looks, it seems like there will be interesting gameplay. (especially with the sword. However, the outside just doesn't do your map justice. It's a bit empty (but if it has to be that way because you don't have money) it's alright. Maybe it could have been better with more interlocked structures on the outside. It's still a good map and it looks like you put a lot of time into it. For that you have my download...(as soon as I get my 360 back from Texas)rrod...
To me it looks like a good map, very nice concept. The only problem that I can see from the pics is that the map lacks a few things. The building is very nice and is a great concept but what is outside and that surrounds the building was disappointing to me. It looks like you put a lot of effort into the main building but nothing else. Also if I were you I would have blocked off the back hallway and the two rooms, but I understand since you ran out of money. Love the concept, I hope you will make a 2nd and use infinite money. I will DL and check out the map for further details. For right now I will give it a 7/10
If u make v2 with inf money for a better looking outside and fixed some other stuff it would be feature imo. I really like the middle structure, especially the curved roof and inventive use of the sign A arrow. I played a FFA on here and it was really fun with a good mix of distance and CQC. Things to fix in version 2: -the bunker ooposite the crane needs to have it's opening raised a foot or so. atm u have to crouch to use it--the other one is perfect. -there are way too many plasmas on here. i would reduce it to eight or nine at the most -all the weapons respawn very fast. I would make rockets/snipes/sowrd/camo/mauler take twice as long to respawn and add a few carbines/br -put something near the man cannon to make it easier to jump into(either under it or to the side) -add something else in the empty space around the pipe area to make it seem less empty while still allowing a large amnt of space for ghost/sniping right now its 4/5, great job!
I'm rely glad to see ppl like this map. I've read everyones advice and am going to make a v2 with a better not so blah outside and seriously take ppls input into consideration. The more you guys say about this will only make the new one better so keep posting what you think should be done. Thankyou
You seem to have the right idea of the main structure but the openess of the ghost place needs to be fixed if u want help money glitching your map send me a message on XBL I will tell u more when l DL tomorrow looks like u thought your map through very well.
Hey nanimctutu some one has just reposted your map and they say its yours...