SRCBG Switch

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by silentPERFECT, Jun 4, 2008.


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  1. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    I'm guessing that you got the switch inspiration from Pallet Parade, as it looks very similar. Anyway, the implementation of the switch looks good, as well as the sniper tower, but the surrounding area looks a bit bare and bland.

    Kinda looks like you took your time making the switch part of the map and then decided to rush the rest. Try putting some more pics in there if you want to prove me wrong. I'm also not sure about the area of effect of the switch. If you want it to be the main feature of the map, make sure it has a major effect and is worth activating.

    BTW, I'm making a switch map of my own that also involves gravlifts and fusion coils, but its totally different from what you posted.
  2. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    haha i loved pallet parade but i didnt get the inspiration from it and the map is a little bare bc i started out with something else in mind and ended up with this. the rest of the map was not rushed actually. it took a lot of thought for me cause i had limited cash and was trying to think of a way to make the layout good with the limited cash i had.i was going to do a map where there was a spinning gravity lift and the fusion coils launched in all directions,but couldnt get sword scar to help me. so then i started with this idea. but at first i started by making the map small by blocking it off with boxes then i interlocked them for neatness and thats wat took most of my cash. but wen i changed ideas i just decided to roll with it. but i still might use that idea sometime in the future (the spinning gravity lift one). and if u need any help just pm me or send me a fried request if u want :). this map doesnt really show what i can do in forge. but i would be glad to help.
  3. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Good job for a first map!
  4. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    lol this is my second map posted here my other one posted here is tilt sp :) but i just learned how to interlock wen i came here though so its just like starting all over again

    but ur right in a way, this is my first switch map :)
  5. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Yea, I hate the money limit for foundry cause I always seem to be like 50$ short and have to go about figuring out how to make the whole thing short. And I have no idea how you'd make a spinning gravlift, but if you pull it off that would be pretty cool.

    My switch map is kinda similar to what you said about the spinning gravlift. It works like this: you throw a gravlift down a designated slot (with an instadeath teleporter to prevent players going down there), the gravlift gets pushed by mancannons until it strikes a fence wall, then it lifts a fusion coil through a double box into a mancannon, which shoots the coil forcefully into the top of a horizontally placed fence wall high above the map, which serves as a resting point for a bunch more fusion coils and some power weapons, and the one coils collision with the fence wall and explosion sets off the other fusion coils, which blow the weapons off the tower and scatter them around the map (you can't just shoot the fusion coils up top because of shield doors).

    You're probably confused now but it's pretty epic and you should check it out when I get it up sometime in the next few weeks.
  6. nanimctutu

    nanimctutu Ancient
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    I like the switch thing but will there really be people standing where the sniper is if they know there is a trap. it looks like u would have to get lucky or be good at timing to pull it off in a game.
  7. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    umm wow. yeah i get it but it seems hard lol thats going to take some impressive interlocking. but send me a pm wen u have it done or need some help :). id love to see it. i already have a map with a spinning gravity lift, i just cant make it again on another map :(. i already know how to make it thought just cant.
  8. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    well since it goes off for about 30 seconds it will make the area unavailable but yes u would have to be good at timing it especially if they know wats coming,but like i said in the first post, it goes off automatically every 180 seconds for about 3-5 seconds which is about 4-6 fusion coils :) and that is enough to kill somebody.
  9. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    It's pretty much already done, just need to put spawns/objectives in and test it out. I guarantee it's much more than the mechanism itself. Also included are a main maintenance tunnel (OS), auxillary maintence tunnel (Camo), two observation decks, and two elevated vehicle ramps (for ghosts). I went with the "ancient structure in the middle of a wasteland" theme, so I have a couple geo-merged boxes to represent rocks scattered around the rest of the map (with power drains and plasmas for ghost-stopping power).

    Anyway, it won't be up on the fileshare for a little while, so send me a fr (GT=username) if you want to check it out/test.
  10. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    ok i send u a FR my GT is silentPERFECT

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