I know that you guys are downloading those awesome maps with huge floating ships and stuff but if u do like the pics of my map then please download. If u like them, then help me out and tell your friends about it. This is a map with three large floating bases in different locations and they are all connected by teleporters. It is a lot of fun on infection (use my gametype at the bottom of the description) and slayer. Thanks! Great Castle The first base is the original from the first Great Castle map. It has an equipment armory and weapons armory. There is a hornet on the back for a quick get away and some of the humans spawn on this base. There is a teleporter that sends u to base #2. The second base has a few weapons and spawns for the humans. Here they can stop the zombies from getting too close. To get to the last base, the humans have to walk up the ramp and jump over the crate to see the teleporter that takes them from Base #2 to Base #3. There are two turrets on the top to keep the zombies from getting any closer. The third base is, in a sense where your last stand against the zombies can take place. Here there are different kinds of weapons (rockets, flamethrower, grav hammer) and equipment to help the humans take out the zombies. If they cannot hold them off, then there is a grav lift to take you to the top of the base where there are turrets, a mongoose, and a mancannon to get as far away from the zombies as possible. There is also a teleporter there that can send you back to Base #1. It is a lot of fun and worth the download. The last Great Castle map had over 100 downloads, and im hoping this hits 1000. There may be a sequel to this if i have enough money left over, but it may just be a tweaked up version. Please leave comments on how i can fix this map. Enjoy!!! Play this map with the infection game type Castle Hunters
a picture is worth a thousand words please get yours working so we can see this awesome map if you need help posting your pictures read the link in my signature and if you still need help send me a pm
OnlyMaximumv already told our new Forging' Friend about his error, it is unnecessary to mention it again because it may hurt his/her feelings.
I like the idea and that you used the inside cave and outdoors but trying to get your pics working...here is a tutorial link on how to get your pics uploaded. Basically in simpiler words that the tutorial you save the pics to your pc then upload them to a site like photobucket or imageshack then copy the image link into your forgehub post.
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to forgehub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screenshots section in your Halo 3 bungie.net profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as imageshack. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image url for you, then take that url and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. Good luck with your post, and if you need any further assistance please PM me or a forgehub moderator.
wow, the pics gave me a headache, but then i read the rest of the post. the lesson here. DONT JUST LOOK AT THE PICS. o ya, nice map. pretty ingenious
It looks alright, but definetly not a very original idea. The bases look average and i don't like the idea of teleporters and zombies. 3/5
Everything is crooked. This is very sloopy , almost everything is tilted miss-aligned, please if you make a version 2 make evrything much neater and use interlocking so your map doesn't look like a wood chiper got a hold of it. Sorry if I came off harsh.
Hey ill try but i was just messing around with forge just so i could get a map for infection...how do u interlock?!
The pics were not showing very much detailr I would take morep ics + better omnes with more detail + action i n them+ the map it's self looks slopply built and small airv base thich could of been bigger what IO would do is make a V2 of this map later down the road.
Okay well thanks for the tips, i might make a version 2 down the road...i just read how to interlock and it may take me awhile to get a hang of...even though this map is slloppy it still is fun to play for an infection map but maybe thats just me and my friends and most of my downloaders...but i will try to interlock next time.